Saturday, March 5, 2016

Flower Power

       Happy Weekend!

   I hope you are enjoying a
happy weekend.
Even though it is cold here this
weekend we know that spring
is on the way and next weekend
we move our clocks ahead so the
evenings are brighter.

Anyway, I have some pretty bouquets
for you to enjoy.

The photo above was taken on our
trip to England a few years ago in
Chipping Camden.

                                                                      Looking forward to the return
                                                                      of our spring garden.Daffodils
                                                                      are so cheerful.
                                                                          A simple bouquet of
                                                                          peonies from our garden.
                                                                          They bloom here in June and July.
                         Some English roses from our garden
  with a pink hydrangea.

                                                                        You can never get tired of

                                                                             I love lilacs too.
                                                                                Hyacinths in an old
                                                                                transferware pitcher.

                                                               Roses, carnations and tulips.

Not sure which I love the most....
the transferware pitcher of the
beautiful peonies.
And roses....who doesn't love
a bouquet of roses???

   A late summer bouquet from
             our garden with a transferware tea.

Thank you for your visit!


  1. Dear Carolyn:
    Your peonies and lilacs seem to go on forever. I am always amazed at this and also your hydrangeas just go and go. I look forward to seeing your garden again.

  2. Beautiful bouquet's! I too am looking forward to seeing your flower gardens again! Always so beautiful and inspiring!

  3. Beautiful flowers and gorgeous vignettes! Thanks for sharing.


  4. Such lovely flowers Carolyn! All in pretty containers too! Just today I acquired a blue transferware pitcher that has the same shape as yours but a little bit of a different scene on it, but amazingly close. What do you know about yours? Mine has a family note with it that says it was purchased in New Orleans about 1840. I will be posting about it sometime.
    Again, thanks for your lovely photos. I can almost smell the sweet fragrance of Spring!

  5. So beautiful and complete. Is completely lost for words. Truly a beautiful speech.
    Absolutely love all the beautiful bouquets.

    Lovely Sunday

  6. Carolyn my name is Helen.I'm spanish.I live in Burgos.I love your hobbies and I have got the same hobbies.I've got a Garden and I've never planted peonies but I love it. MY grandfather has got enormous red peonies.Marvellous!

  7. Beautiful bouquets and flowers! I love Spring! Thanks for the inspiration! We're almost there!

  8. Oh dear, how I love all these wonderful bouquets of flowers.

  9. Your colorful flower bouquets certainly brighten this 40 degree day. Spring is definitely on the way and soon we will be seeing peony and lilacs all blooming outside again! Thanks for sharing your wonderful flowers.

  10. Stunning flowers!

    Is it really almost time to spring ahead?

  11. The flowers are so beautiful. At the moment we have snow and it s very cold. I m looking forward to warm days and the spring.
    Have a nice week

  12. Como são lindas as suas flores. Parabéns!


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
