Monday, February 22, 2016

Gardener's Rainy Day Tea

                                                                                 Hello everyone,

                                                                        Hope you had a lovely weekend..

                                                                        We have been getting some spring
                                                                        like weather here so on a rainy day
                                                                         last week I had a gardener's tea in
                                                                         the sun room.

                   I enjoy the sound of rain gently
  hitting the windows.

                                                                      I surrounded myself with plants
                                                                      to remind me I would soon be
                                                                      out in the garden again.

             Tea and tulips.

                                                                                 Some spring plants
                                                                                 in my old transferware
                                                                                 soup tureen.
                                                                              I enjoy browsing through
                                                                              garden books to pick up
                                                                              an idea here and there for
                                                                              our own garden.
                                                                             Teal green transferware.

                                                                                More garden books to enjoy
                                                                                with a cup of tea.

                                                           With some mild days here there are
                                                                       some signs of life in the garden
                                                                       already so I have hopes for an
                                                                      early spring....thoughts to warm this
                                                                      gardener's heart!

                                                                                        Enjoy your day!



  1. One is so drawn into these photos and the curiosity of "what the books hold" inside! Yes, spring do come! Love teatime in the meantime is a great idea!

  2. Such lovely thoughts! Very pretty how you have the flowers and plants staged in the transferware. I, too, am looking forward to an early Spring. So tempting to go outdoors now and get dirty, but I have to remind myself that patience is it's own reward. We've had a very mild Winter in Northern Ohio, but experience tells me that Nature isn't finished yet with the possibility of cold and snow. . .I love these images!

  3. Your tureen filled with spring flowering plants is so pretty. You inspire me to find some this week. Looks like more rain for Thursday. Such an open winter we're having.

  4. So pretty, Carolyn. We've had mild sunnty days too and I am as excited too for spring to get here! But not the heat or mosquitos, haha.

    Once we're done painting I am going to fill the house with flowers and get to spring decorating myself. Can't wait, very excited!

  5. Lovely spot to enjoy those pretty garden books and the sounds of rain. I enjoy watching P. Allen's TV show very much. They always have great ideas for the garden and home. Weather has been mild here to the last few days. I am finally seeing signs of spring ahead.

    Enjoy your week,


  6. What a lot of pretty plants and I really like your teapot with the English county cottage.

  7. It all sounds and looks delightful, Carolyn. Love rainy day tea! Susan

  8. Rain hitting the windows is always a relaxing and welcoming sound. Your transferware pieces are so beautiful!

  9. hello Carolyn, j'adore vos tulipes blanches, elles sont magnifiques / I love yours white tulips, it's wonderfull :)

  10. So Lovely, Carolyn. You got delightful and refreshing taste of flowers I do like you teapot also it matches to those flowers.


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
