Monday, January 11, 2016

Winter White Sunroom

                Hello everyone,

                    Hope you had a lovely weekend.

                 We had a lot of rain and wind
               last night wiping out a lot of
                snow including the snowman
                     Lila and I made. I have no doubt
                        there will be plenty of snow soon 
to replace him!

            Lila and Frosty

                I changed the sun room to
                    winter white again and added
                     the paperwhites that I planted
       several weeks ago.

                         A bouquet of roses to
                     enjoy as well with a
       cup of tea.

         Cozy in the sunlight.
I added a foot stool to
add to the comfort
while curled up with
a good book.

A winter white furry throw
to keep you snug. 

The great thing about white is
it is so easy to change the look
with a little color.

Soft and romantic.

                                     Well, the sun is shining here now so
                                               I must get out for a lovely winter walk
                                               and then I might even force myself to
                                               do some chores instead up getting cozy
                                               with a book and  tea in the sun room! Ha! Ha!

                                                                  Enjoy your day!



  1. A sunroom where I would like to sit in.
    Love the photo with the sunlight and paper whites. Very comfortable and stylish.
    Thank you to share your beautiful house and garden. Helene G

  2. Oh this is such a cheery spot for a cold January day! So fresh and bright and beautiful! That is a dreamy pitcher of roses.

  3. Love the whisper soft colors of winter whites. You always create the most beautiful and romantic spots for relaxing.

    I love the pretty roses and brightness of the room.

    Have a great week.


  4. I love the winter white look in your sunporch. It looks so lovely. Snow on the way tonight for us too.

  5. Always such lovely pictures. I appreciate the different textures that are highlighted by the white look. I'm glad that you filled the teacup with tea. It's a pet peeve of mine when a mug/cup/glass is empty in a tableau. I want a full glass and a plate with goodies! Thank you for sharing ~ perfect for daydreaming...


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
