Sunday, January 3, 2016

A Winter's Day Tea

                                                                        Peaceful Sunday!

                                                       It is a quiet winter Sunday here and
                                                       I am going to enjoy a new book by
                                                       the fireside today with a cup of tea.
                              And maybe even a piece of
                                     sticky date cake left over from
      New Year's.

               Beautiful creamy white roses.

                                                                      A pot full of tea and I
                                                                      am all set for the afternoon!
                                                After a trip to the library yesterday,
                                                           I have a stack full of books to read.
                                                           One of the pleasures of a winter day
                                                            in January for me is having more time to
                                                            curl up with a good book and escape into
                                                            another world for awhile.

                                                                               Hope you have a relaxing
                                                                               afternoon too!



  1. Delightful and refreshing after the bright colours of Christmas. Nothing is better than a good book by the fireplace to enjoy a peaceful afternoon while the rain is bitting the windows like here today. Helene

  2. Love the teapot!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  3. So beautiful, Carolyn.

    Who wouldn't enjoy tea time that pretty?

    Hope you got some good books - you've earned your rest, mi'lady. ♥

  4. Beautiful tea setting. Love the teapot!
    Happy new year to you and yours.

  5. What a lovely post and peaceful way to start off 2016 :)
    Love your tea set and your cake looks wonderful!

  6. What a perfect and restful Sunday tea. Beautiful Carolyn. Happy New Year!

  7. Wishing you a beautiful start to a brand new week, Carolyn!
    Back to work for me this morning, hard to believe the season is coming to an end soon.
    Any pudding left? lol
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  8. c'est ravissant
    tous mes meilleurs vœux pour 2016

  9. Always so very beautiful here. Thank you for sharing!

  10. So pretty, Carolyn. Winter is a great time to relax, and regroup. I love the time when I don't have any commitments and I can have some "me" time! Happy New Year to you and yours!


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
