Thursday, April 2, 2015

Sunny Yellow for Easter

             Hello everyone,

                     Since Easter is this weekend I dug out
                 these whimsical Easter dishes that I
                    bought a few years ago at the Cracker
Barrel in Florida.

               I wanted some bright cheerful colors
      in our little sun room today . 

                                                              I don't normally have much yellow
                                                              but I am trying to forget we still
                                                              have a lot of snow and this sunshine
                                                             yellow is so cheerful.
                                                                  A little rabbit carrying his
                                                                  Easter egg.

                Yellow tulips ready to open.

                                            It is hard to believe it is already April.....hoping
                                                     for some spring to arrive here soon but in the
                                                     mean time I can enjoy some spring touches in the
                                                     sun room.
                                                        We are off to church shortly for our Maundy Thursday
                                                    Candlelight service.but I hope to be back with another post
                                                    before Easter.

                                                             I am joining BNOTP for Tablescape Thursday today.

                                                                                Thank you for visiting,




  1. This is the best place ever to have ones breakfast!

  2. Happy Easter Carolyn... your Sun room looks lovely in yellow. I hope Spring arrives soon in PEI. We have left Arizona and are spending April on Vancouver Island.
    Take care...

  3. Best wishes for a Happy Easter! Lovely pictures too...

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  5. Oh my that whimsical bunny plate is simply swoonnnn....I love it!
    What a lovely spot for your Easter breakfast.
    Happy Easter,

  6. Hi Carolyn...just wanted to pop past and say hello and to mention I am a huge fan of everythign Aiken House. Your photos and your home inspire so many with your eye for detail and the beauty of all around you.
    So thank you for allowing us beautiful glimpses into your world.

  7. Such a perfect spot and that yellow is spot on cheerful!! I absolutely LOVE those plates!! So adorable and perfect with your sweet bunny.

    Happy & blessed Easter to You & Your Family! xoxo

  8. Oh wow, what a lovely decor. Looks so warm and sunny in there even if it is not so outside. :)

  9. Oh my gosh, I am in love with your rabbit dishes, Carolyn! How pretty with the image and the scallop edging. I was just at Cracker Barrel not too long ago and didn't see them (or I would have bought them myself). I guess they change things up from year to year.

    Love your touches of yellow. It definitely looks Springy and cheerful inside!

  10. Oh, how beautiful. Each petal, plate, and pillow captures the essence of spring itself. I am falling head over heels for yellow. Have a blessed Easter.

  11. I did a yellow and green theme on both my Easter tablescapes this year too. I was all ready to photograph but it rained allllll day and is so dark and dismal. I wish I would have had it done yesterday - it was sunny and beautiful.

    I seem to always be a day late anymore. Oh well - hopefully we will have a sunny day between now and Sunday so I can at least capture them for later.

    Your yellow is very pleasing. Snow. Ugh. Ours melted but the daffodils are only an inch high from the ground, so spring is a while away still.

  12. Oh, I love your bunny dishes, Carolyn. I have always enjoyed the Cracker Barrel gift shop (and restaurant!)

    Your yellow table setting is very sunny and springy.

    Still have snow here, too. Susan

  13. Love the yellow = so springlike! Those plates are gorgeous and really "make" your tablescape. Hope you have a blessed and happy Easter!

  14. Carolyn, your sunny table is the best! Big smiles here for those adorable bunnies, bunny plates, yellow tulips, and all those sunny yellow textiles.
    Happy Easter!

  15. Your sunny yellow setting is so cheerful and makes me feel warm all over!! You have created such a warm inviting spot for enjoying the Easter weekend.

  16. It all looks so cheerful, have a Happy Easter Carolyn.

  17. Hello Carolyn,
    Beautiful pictures of the dishes and the sunny décor of the seats.
    For you a blessed Easter and fine days!

    Kind regards, Gerry

  18. Wonderful Easter decorations, so lovely sunny.
    Here it is too cold for the time of year too.
    Wish you a Happy Easter!

  19. Your table was lovely and thanks reminding me about Cracker Barrel have been looking everywhere now i have 1 more place.Hope you have a Happy Easter.

  20. A bright and sunny Easter post Carolyn! Wishing you and your family a Happy Easter!

    Madelief x

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. Everything is so beautiful. Love your photography. The plates are adorable!

  23. Your sun room is the perfect setting for a sunny yellow tablescape. I love the Cracker Barrel plates, they just scream Easter to me. I looked for a set but did not find any so I ended up making my own home made version for our Easter day dinner table.

  24. I am in love with the bunny dishes that you bought at Cracker Barrel, I do have an affection for bunnies! I wish I could find this dish set. Does it have a name? brand?


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
