Tuesday, January 20, 2015

A Winter's Day Tea

                                                                    It was a beautiful sunny winter day here
                                                                    today, after a wet and warm spring like
                                                                    day yesterday.
                                                                        On these winter days an afternoon tea
                                                                      is a pleasant break in the day.
                                                                Today's tea cups are called "Phoebe" by
                                                               Wedgewood and Co.. They are Royal Semi Porcelain.


                                                                 Once again I am using a mix and match
                                                                 set of china. I don't see this teal green
                                                                 transferware very often around here.
                                                                   I have a few amaryllis blooming now and
                                                                  I love their colorful blooms.

                                                                    The plates are for our sticky date
                                                                     pudding which I enjoy occasionally
                                                                     over the winter.

                                                 Hope you enjoy an afternoon tea time too!

                                     After all the rain we had last night the snow melted off the pond
                                                and the rain froze into a nice smooth ice so I am hoping to get in
                                                some skating this week with some of our grandchildren.I love a winter
                                                skating party!

                                                     I am joining Bernideen's Tea Time Blog for Tea with Friends
                                                     and Rose Chintz Cottage for Tea Time Tuesday.

                                                              Thank you for visiting,



  1. That last picture is stunning, Carolyn! You used my new favorite color of transferware. I just love that teal green color and don't think I have been lucky enough to find anything like that around here in my travels. I would be happy to find just a couple of small pieces. Meantime, I will enjoy seeing yours!

  2. How gorgeous! I love your dishes, they're beautiful.
    Have a great week.

  3. Such a pretty teal and white pattern. The pond looks wonderful for skating. I hope you have a fun time with the grandkids.

  4. This is sooo beautiful, love your blog.
    Have a lovely day, Ingrid.

  5. These photos capture so much delightfulness!

  6. Beautiful view over the pond to your boathouse.

  7. Just love the color of those dishes. So unusual and appealing. Lovely amaryllis and what a view to behold. Breathtaking. Thank you.

  8. What a lovely pond you have to skate on, Carolyn. I do love your teal transferware! I never see that colour around here. You are fortunate to find those beautiful pieces. Lovely post!


  9. The last picture of your pond is breathtaking. Everything is so lovely. The Sticky pudding looks delicious. Will you share the recipe? Have a beautiful day.

  10. this is how a beauty?I love it.. wonderful!
    Greetings from Turkey

  11. Glad to see you posting another beautiful color of your transferware collection. Your pretty red flowers all look lovely in contrast! So glad you linked!

  12. Your pond is BEAUTIFUL. When we lived in Maine we had a pond and always hoped for proper weather to make it smooth enough to skate on.

  13. What a beautiful tea...yummy! Oh wow! Ice skating? How fun that will be. No ice skating down this way unless we go to the rink...too warm


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
