Thursday, November 27, 2014

A Gift for You!

                                                  It is a wintry white day here on the Island as we
                                                  received over 20 cm of snow here causing
                                                 all schools to cancel for the day. It is early
                                                 for a snow day but I know some kiddo's who
                                                 were happy for a day off!
                                                   These photos were taken in our little
                                                   conservatory a few years ago on a day similar
                                                   to this one.
                                                    Anyway, grab a cup of tea or coffee
                                                and enjoy a look through a free online
                                                 Christmas ,magazine that I am featured
                                                 in along with some pretty talented bloggers.
                         I was pleasantly surprised to get an email a few months
                                   ago from Kerryanne ~ the editor of the online magazines
                                   Simply Shabblicious. You can visit her on her blog
                                  Shabby Art Boutique or her facebook.
                                   Kerryanne asked me if I would be a contributor to her
                                   new Christmas Simply Shabblicious magazine so I
                                    happily said yes!

                                     So as a gift to you, you can view the whole magazine
                                    on line by clicking on the link below.
Simply Shabbilicious Magazine… the Christmas issue - Shabby Art Boutique

I love the cover ~ don't you!

 I hope you enjoy !

Also,  I would like to wish a Happy Thanksgiving to my American friends ~ here in Canada we celebrate Thanksgiving in Oct.



  1. wunderschöne dekoration und soooo hübsches porzellan!!! liebe grüße von angie aus deutschland

  2. Oh, dear Carolyn, that truly IS a gift - thank you for your link to this wonderful online magazine - and for your lovely contribution. It was the perfect thing to see between dinner and dessert for our holiday today.


  3. Hello Carolyn, Thanks for the gift of this lovely magazine. Your feature is my favorite part. You always know how to set up elegant and dramatic vignettes in your home, the gardener's cottage, and the boathouse. Beautiful!

  4. The snow is a pretty backdrop for all your whites. Makes me think it's Christmas. Happy Thanksgiving.


  5. We got 30 Cm of snow here! A snow day for kids and a lot of adults too as there were/are power outages. I love the cover of this book and am going to check it out. Thanks for sharing it with us. Pam

  6. Carolyn, your photos are always so beautiful. I want to take tea in your beautiful conservatory. Perfection!

  7. Hello Carolyn. Loved the photos. Will look forward to the magazine. Congratulations!

    Hope your Thanksgiving was terrific. Susan

  8. The magazine is lovely and I so enjoyed looking at all the pretty pics but yours are by far the best!

  9. Your photos are so pretty! Thanks for sharing this with us.

    I forgot that your Thanksgiving is in October...the prettiest month of all. Thanks for wishes to your U.S. friends though.

    Have a wonderful weekend!!


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
