Monday, October 20, 2014

Garden Shenanigans

                                                                            Hello everyone,

                                                     I hope you enjoyed your weekend. Since our
                                                    weather has been so beautiful here we thought
                                                    it would be a good time to have the little ones
                                                    come for our fall/halloween party. I am not a
                                                    big fan of halloween but I do enjoy seeing the
                                                    little ones dress up and run through the
                                                    garden and our woods looking for treats.
                                                            Waiting for the announcement that
                                                            the hunt is on!
                                                             Our little skeleton cat girl.

                                                                          The autumn garden.
                                                         They had lots of fun together judging by the giggles
                                                          and it was warm enough to be out in little fairy
                                                          dresses etc.

                                                   They grow up so fast.....already our 3 older
                                                   grandchildren have outgrown this party and
                                                   our Jessie was unavailable. Jessie, however
                                                   was able to come a few days earlier for a
                                                   fun photo shoot for a Japanese Quilt magazine,
                                                   due out in April.When I get my copy I will
                                                   share the photos then.

        To show how fast they grow this
       was our first fall/halloween party
          with the little ones seven years ago.

                                         Today, the weather has changed so I am happy we
                                                   grabbed the opportunity when it was lovely and
                                                   we could all enjoy it without coats etc.

                                                                           Thank you for visiting,



  1. Lovely photo's of your grandchildren Carolyn! What a joy to to have them around you so often.

    Madelief x

  2. They look like they were having lots of fun. They do grow up way too fast unfortunately. You are blessed to have them all living near you. I have three only five minutes away but the other two are on the west coast, one being my only granddaughter. These moments we will cherish forever. Have a lovely week, Carolyn.


  3. Lovely photos. I bet your grandchildren had a lot of fun and such wonderful memories for you all.Shirley N.Z.

  4. Beautiful pictures nothing better than having fairies visit your garden.

  5. Oh, Carolyn I love the little fairies wandering in your garden! That is adorable! The colors on the island are really vibrant and beautiful too. I am so surprised how colorful we are here in Southern IL. It is usually very dry and brown but, not this year the grass is green and we have the prettiest colors. Your mosaics are the loveliest too!

  6. Lovely little fairies in your garden. What great memories you are making! Looks like you had a wonderful day.

  7. Look at how your grandchildren have grown! What a fun time they must have had each year though. They look so sweet.


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
