Friday, July 4, 2014

In an English Country Garden

                                                                        Hello everyone,

                                                  On this beautiful hot sunny day I thought
                                                you might like to have a tour of our English
                                                Country style garden.
                                                      We have over a hundred peony plants
                                                in our garden and they are all loaded with
                                               blooms this year and I do love them all!
                                                                 Although these photos were all taken
                                                                 in the past week ~ already it has changed.

                                                                The new arbor Andrew built with
                                                                some help from our son will soon age
                                                                into the garden.
                                                                            Peonies,iris and lilacs.
                                                                                Blue salvia,hardy geraniums,peonies,
                                                                                roses and lilacs(in background)......
                                                                               doen't get much sweeter than this!!!

                                                                            Garden with our barn in background~
                                                                            our property used to be a farm.

                                                         The two most frequently asked questions by our
                                                                    Japanese visitors are ......
                                                                   How many gardeners work in our garden
                                                                   and the answer is Andrew and I and for the
                                                                   past couple of years our son gives a hand.
                                                                   Next we have hired cleaners
                                                                      in our house and the answer is no.Just in case
                                                                   you wanted to know too!
                                                                       I have taken loads of peony pics and I will
                                                                   be back later with my favorites.
                                                                    No Prince Edward Tours for a couple of days
                                                                  so I am hoping for a walk on the beach tonight
                                                                 but for now a glass of iced tea on the porch sounds
                                                                 good as it is too hot to work in the garden.
                                                                                                Thanks for touring along
                                                                                                with me today!




  1. Hi Carolyn, I hope one day my garden will look like yours.

  2. Simply stunning! I love peonies and I think you enjoy the beautiful garden.

  3. Your garden looks so romantic, and I almost cannot beleive you do that all by yourself of course with husband, but I think this is a tremendous job.

  4. That's why you - with all your children - look at LEAST 25 years younger than your years - good outdoor clean livin' hard work.

    You, as well as your home and gardens are OUTSTANDINGLY AWESOME.

    How I wish I could sit in that awesome new arbor Andrew built and have some iced tea with you, Carolyn.

    This is a splendid blooming season for Aiken Gardens wow wow wowwwww!!!

  5. Hello Carolyn,

    You know I am your avid reader. I might not say anything but, I here often, drooling with all you lovely goodies.

    WoW, more than a hundred? OMG!I only have one peonie and some flowers around but I don't even know their names, LoL*

    TY so much for bringing me in, in you absolutely awesome garden.

    Enjoy the weekend.

  6. You left me breathless! It's all so poetic and beautiful... and all made only by the two of you!!!
    Deep admiration.
    Flora (from Italy - Torino)

  7. You and Andrew have done a wonderful lot of work to make your gardens and property look so beautiful. It's really stunning. I hope the big storm Arthur is not too hard on your beauties.

  8. A lovely walk through your beautiful garden, I wish I could be there to smell and touch the flowers. You and your husband are amazing to cope with all that and entertain as well. You are to be congratulated. I have told my husband that visiting your place one day would be first on my list. Dreams are free:-)Shirley N.Z.

  9. Pure Beauty...all around you!!! What a beautiful place to live!! your photos are fantastic!!Enjoy the weekend!

  10. Your gardens are just breathtaking! Don't know how you tend to all of that with just you and your husband and son. Thanks for sharing with us.


  11. Wow, I cannot believe it. I have visited your site often and always thought that you must have a number of staff, gardeners, housekeepers, etc. I am impressed. I live in bone dry California and I can smell smoke in the air from fire 80 miles away, seeing such beautiful greenery in your garden makes me very happy and dreaming for fall and winter, I so hope we will get some rain. You have a wonderful site.

  12. Carolyn:
    I love your calling this an English Country Garden as that is perfect! Everything is so beautiful....

  13. I am new to your blog and love seeing your garden. My husband and I do all of our own work too and it is hard work, but rewarding:)
    I was wondering how long your growing season is and what your zone is. It looks like you are about 6 weeks behind us in Indiana. it's like going through spring again!

  14. Oh and Andrew are truly two of the most talented people I know. I can't believe that you are the only ones caring for all of this beauty! Your photos always leave me breathless and wanting to rush out to my gardens to plant more flowers. :) You are such a huge inspiration to me, my friend. May I ask what you use to hold up your peonies so that stand so straight and tall? Even with flower braces around mine, they flop over. I'd love to hear what suggestions you have. ♥

    xoxo laurie

  15. Your posts are such a joy for viewing and since I am limited to mainly a potted garden now I do look forward to the new items and plants you put in your garden/home each year. Your collection of china also increases and I used your blue/white tea picture for my home page last week and choose one today to enjoy as it comes alive with enlarging it on my home page.
    A true joy would be to meet the two of you as you seem to work so seamlessly together and have the same goals for house and garden and even tea, n'est ce pas?
    I absolutely love peonies. And having done much gardening in my time I truly appreciate ALL the hard work you do and share with us. I now have one of your garden books on love it as it was also a gift from my daughter who follows your blog as well.
    With a grateful heart,
    Sylvia Faye

  16. 100 peony plants? I'm in love! :)

    Your garden is beautiful. It would be a joy to walk there and see it all.


  17. I didn't realize you have that many peonies Carolyn. The next time I'm grumpy about doing all my own gardening and housework, I'll remember how much more you have to do. My husband only helps with the digging and moving of plants.
    Enjoy your break between tours.

  18. Oh my gosh, Carolyn. Those peonies must smell soooo divine.

    How do you keep them from toppling over?

    The garden is a piece of paradise. Great job! Susan

  19. Dear Carolyn,

    It's always a joy to visit your blog! What a beautiful collection of peonies you have. Wish my allotment garden was a bit larger, so that I could put in more :-)

    Wishing you a Happy Sunday!

    Madelief x

  20. Come vorrei essere passata dal tuo fantastico giardino. E' stupendo e le peonie poi sono sublimi,che bello!!!!!!!! Baci

  21. I'm in heaven. Carolyn, I love your blog, it is my favorite. However I am no longer receiving your posts in my email. I have subscribed numerous times, but somethings not working. So, I will continue to check in a couple of times each week to get you beauty fix. Thanks for sharing your lovely world.

  22. Beautiful and gorgeous.
    I had the same question about help in the garden. One worker and yourself doesn't seem like enough for all you have to maintain.

    Your garden is a work of art and is delightful.

  23. Absolutely glorious!!! Stunning!!! I have often thought the prettiest gardens/flowers are in the colder climates. Must be God's gift for enduring such harsh winters.

  24. Olá Carolyn,

    O jardim está maravilhoso agora. Adorei o novo carramanchão. Aproveite cada minuto no seu jardim.

    Fique em paz.

    Um beijo.


  25. Beautiful - simply beautiful!!!! Every time time I look at your photos, I am always amazed at the amount of plant material in each bed, and how lush and full they are. Your gardens are truly a work of art, and I can't even begin to imagine the countless hours of work necessary to maintain them. So very lovely!!!!

  26. I am in heaven looking at the photos of your gardens! Peony's are my absolute favorite flowers, and between them you have all the plants I love ... Iris, Roses, Lilac's, Salvia, Lady's Mantle. And you are lucky enough to have such a wonderful backdrop of mature trees. All the garden accents are just so perfect too. I'm going back for another look :)

  27. Your gardens are just so beautiful Carolyn - they take my breath away. It's so easy to tell that it's a true labor of love. I'm so grateful you have this blog so I get to enjoy all the beauty too.

    God bless

  28. In the title of your post you've missed the adjective 'fabulous', or 'gorgeous' :)
    Congratulations my dear Carolyn, your garden is a dream come true, I wonder how amazing to watch it by your home window panes it is !
    Sending hugs

  29. Hi Carolyn, your garden is like a work of art. Truly. I never tire of looking at your pretty pics of the flowers, garden and your home. A true accomplishment for you and your hubby. Do all your plants come back on their own year after year or do you have to do mass plantings every spring? I find i always have these gaps in my garden and never look so full like yours. Some gardening tips would be great! take care, Maryann

  30. Carolyn, Your gardens are absolutely amazing! So colorful, so beautifully designed. Thanks for sharing the beauty!

  31. First of all I am so sorry to hear about your Mama passing. The post about her was so beautiful it brought tears to my eyes. And now I found this post that I must say is the most beautiful in the entire garden blogosfer. Your garden is so wonderful. It would be a dream to see it in real life.

  32. I love all your peonies!!! Now I understand that I have to move a lot of my peonies. I hope they will get just half of your flowers aboundence!! Impressive. All the best Mari


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
