Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Picnic Style Tea among the Lupins

                                                                            Hello everyone,
                                                      Although this tea was taken last June among
                                                      the lupins that we planted beside our pond I
                                                      remember well the beautiful evening that it
                                                      was for a simple picnic.
                                                I used my antique red transferware china.
                                                       A pot of tea and some lemon cookies
                                                       an old tablecloth and a picnic basket
                                                       and I was good to go!

                                                        Looking forward to lupin
                                                        season again as they grow
                                                        wild along the roads here.

                                      Whenever, I took these photos I knew I would
                                                be using one of them for the cover of my
                                                next book and I did! (see sidebar).
                                                Soon, it will be picnic time again.

                                               Today, I am sharing them with Friends
                                               for Tea at Bernideen's Tea Time Blog.

                                                                            Thank you for visiting!



  1. Very beautiful! I love lupins and I know the island is famous for them. It seems like this type of weather (for picnics and such) are a long way off with all the cold weather we're having but, I guess it will come in due time.

  2. Beautiful photo for your book...and I do wish I had your book! The scenery by the lake for a tea picnic is gorgeous, I should do that sometime by our lovely river that runs by my high rise building.

  3. So beautiful. You sure know how to have a picnic. Love the teapot :)

  4. Hi Carolyn,
    Oh my this photo just takes my breath away! its beautiful and the colors are so vivid...
    I have been away from my blog and therefore have missed out on many posts...I am off now to catch up on more of your amazing photos and writings.
    Have a sweet day, Elizabeth

  5. Breathtaking beauty by the lake, Carolyn!

  6. What a sweet colorful picnic and those lupines are magnificent! I know you are excited about what surprises your garden will hold!!!

  7. Such a beautiful tea! Thanks for sharing. The red with the old picnic basket is wonderful and the flowers so pretty.

  8. I remember the lupins from PEI and in desperation to grow them here, Pam Gordon sent me seeds from her province in the fall. So far, it looks like they didn't germinate and I've tried several different varieties of seed over the years.

  9. I love lupins. Have you ever read the children's book Miss Rumphius. It is a must for those who love lupins. :-)

  10. Jeg har også lupin i min hage vakkert♥


  12. Carolyn, the Lupins are so beautiful. The picnic too... Alexandra

  13. So nice to have lupins into the wild, you will understand this is also one of my favourites, how many favourite flowers have I....... I am looking forward too to have them in flower in the garden again. Your picnic with the beautiful teaset and delicious scones on the waterside of your pond must be wonderful.

  14. Beautiful and so relaxing!! Love the color of your Lupines, and the red and white added by the picnic is stunning.

  15. Carolyn, your lupins really are lovely; such a pretty spot for a little picnic. I threw some seeds behind our home last year and I'm waiting to see if they will reward me by coming up.
    The tea room you visited in FL. has to be one of the most charming I've ever seen. What a treat to be able to have tea there!
    I'm on a blog break this week but I decided to stop by and see what you're sharing this week. Loving your new header! Have a beautiful day.


  16. Happy Spring Carolyn
    Your lupins are so beautiful, I bet you can't wait to relax with tea beside your pond. The garden is calling you I am sure and I for one can't wait to see it beauty again this season. Take care.


  17. What a beautiful photo to put on the cover Carolyn! It must have been a delight having a pick nick at the waterside!

    Happy day!

    Madelief x

  18. It is just like being in a dream. So LOVERLY!

  19. I adore lupins and a tea picnic among them would be truly delightful.

  20. I love lupins. I had them everywhere when we lived in Maine. Unfortunately they don't seem to like it here in Pennsylvania. I would very much enjoy your picnic.

  21. I have really enjoyed your blog. Everything I s beautiful and inspirational. I have been looking for garden statues for years but find them difficult to locate. Can you tell me where you
    found the statue at the top of the page that has all the statues? Thank You


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
