Saturday, January 25, 2014

Winter Beauty

                                                                      Hello everyone,
                                 I hope you are enjoying your weekend. We are celebrating our
                                 daughter's birthday by going out for dinner with her and some of
                                 the family.Our oldest daughter and her family have been hit with
                                 a nasty flu bug that is going around.
                                       A few days ago I had fun with Lila outdoors just before the
                                snow storm hit so I am sharing a few of the pics that I took of her.
                                I found this cute little cute at a thrift shop ~ it has old fashion appeal.
                                The muff is part of a skating costume. I love the boots that also came
                                from one of my thrifting forays.
                               I got the inspiration for this shot from pinterest ~ always fun to get ideas there.
                                                       What could be cuter ~ unless it is the model herself!

                                         Lila looks so much like her Mama at that age!
                                   I had to show you the difference a day can make. My previous
                                   tablescape now has a good cover of snow after we got 38 cm.!
                                   It does look like winter for sure.

                   It has been quite a winter but tomorrow is another rain day here.
                              Anyway,I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend and thank
                               you for visiting me.



  1. Your grand-daughter is so cute and your blog is just so amazing and beautiful ... I always love dropping in ...oxox

  2. Olá Carolyn,

    Espero que esteja tudo bem. Sua neta está linda, me lembro das fotos de anos atrás ela bebê no colo da mãe. Desejo felicidades pelo aniversário. Me encanto com cada postagem.

    Fique bem.


  3. She is adorable. Happy Birthday to your own daughter.

  4. Your Granddaughter is so cute in her outfit. I do hope your oldest Daughter and her family feel better soon. We have been fortunate here to not get the flu, but the season is not over yet.

  5. Your Granddaughter is so cute in her outfit. I do hope your oldest Daughter and her family feel better soon. We have been fortunate here to not get the flu, but the season is not over yet.

  6. Like all your grandchildren she is gorgeous. One day we will see your beautiful garden again but in the meantime I love she all of your love
    ly blogs.

  7. What a beautiful child Carolyn. She is an angel and those photos are gorgeous. It truly is winter beauty that you have captured dear friend.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend.



  8. Lila is so sweet and has grown a lot! It's so pretty to see the snow on your 'set' table on the porch. It was quite the storm that you got there. Beautiful photos! It's sprinkling here tonight.

  9. Dolcissime e tenerissime immagini!!!
    Buona domenica
    By Nadia

  10. Bonjour . Ce petit Bonnet lui vas a ravir . l'ensemble et trés beau. Bon et doux week end a vous deux.

  11. Чудесная маленькая леди!

  12. I love your blog!! It makes me wish I was your neighbor! I get lost in each photo and wish I was sitting in it! You have a real gift and I am so glad you are kind enough to share it! I hope the year ahead is filled with beautiful moments, just like the ones you share with us!

  13. Oh Carolyn, I hate winter and you make it look so beautiful. Your granddaughter is precious. J

  14. Your little Lila is really adorable and .. how charming your Winter, always more and more !!
    Thank you for sharing all these beauties with us dear Carolyn ♡
    Happy birthday to your daughter and good continuation of January !

  15. Carolyn, you make winter look so beautiful, even though I live in Florida to escape the cold. I get my snow"fix" by looking at your great photos! I love your little Lila's photos...she is so sweet in her beautiful outfits. Thanks for sharing, Egretta

  16. Love checking out your blog, it never fails to inspire me . I have a lot of old linens and doillies and now find I' trying to find ways to use them..... Thank-you,

  17. Winter can be hard,cold,difficult sometimes.But most of all I love it!So beautiful,the landskapet and surroundings turn into a fairytale.The kids have a lot of fun,and I love their red Cheeks after playing in the snow.
    And isn't it just fun to have photoshoots like you've had here,the most magical puctures gets created!
    Please send me some of your snow :)
    Tovehugs :)

  18. I love your blog. You really have a way of finding the beauty in your surroundings. Your granddaughter looks lovely and seems to enjoy gettingher picture taken.

  19. I love your snowy photos! I also love that muff. I had one when I was a little girl and, as I recall, just loved gesturing with it. I think I would still today. :-)

  20. Thanks for showing the beautiful side of winter, Carolyn.
    Your little granddaughter looks so sweet in that outfit. You must of had fun.
    Have a great day!

  21. Oh, what FUN!
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
