Friday, January 31, 2014

The Island in Winter

                                                               Hello everyone,
         I think a lot of people are looking for spring but there is still lots of beautiful winter days to enjoy
         here first. Sometimes my husband's job means a drive to different parts of the Island and I happy
         to go with him if time allows and take along my camera. So, I thought you might like to come
         along too as Prince Edward Island is beautiful in all seasons.

                         I know I have shared Knox's Dam before but it is just so pretty in all seasons.
                                             North Rustico a pretty fishing village and one of my favorite
                                             summer drives but still pretty in winter.
                                                           A beautiful Island farm
                               A favorite place for me to see at Christmas time especially if we have snow.
                                           I didn't have to go far to see this.....our own little boathouse.

                                             Our neighbors red barn looks pretty against the snow and trees.
                                              The lighthouse in Victoria by the sea.
                                                        a close up shot

Beautiful heritage homes in Summerside (except for lower right one).
                                                               Victoria by the Sea
Driving on country roads in winter we are happy for snow tires and snowplows!
                                                 Our boathouse a few weeks ago in the snow.
             Lastly, a beautiful church in downtown Charlottetown ~ St Dunstan's Basilicia.

                           I am joining The Rose Garden in Malevik for Show-off Saturday.

                                Thank you for coming along on the drive and I hope you
                                have a wonderful weekend!



  1. Absolutely gorgeous!! I LOVE every single one and it's hard to choose a favorite especially since I'm a lighthouse and church fanatic, but your little boat house is beautiful!! thanks for sharing them with us.

  2. Such beautiful photos! We are making reservations this week for a visit this September. Thank you for sharing these and your blog in general! Have a great weekend!

  3. I vote for your boathouse being the "Most Beautiful of them All"!

  4. Carolyn:

    What a beautiful tour! Someday, I'd love to visit your island.

    Great to have you at Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  5. Thank you for letting me come with you on your trip around the island. I'm so glad I came or I would have missed all these lovely houses tucked away in your beautiful snowy country side. Your little boathouse always looks so pretty, in snow or summer. Enjoy your weekend.

  6. Oh you do live in a beautiful place.Don't have that sort of scenery where I live in N.Z.We are a farming area and don't have snow. In the Winter there is a skiing resort 2.5 hours away from us.Shirley N.Z.

  7. Oh, what a beautiful place to live. Love them all. Gorgeous
    winter photos. Love, love, love!!!

  8. What Carolyn nicest photos! I love snowy landscapes, the white house with red and the lighthouse ... they are beautiful! Kisses and happy weekend

  9. How gorgeous your pictures are, what glorious scenaries winter offers !!
    I'm so fascinated especially by your collage of the characteristic homes of your wondeful island and by the last about the stunning Basilica in Charlottetown, so rich in charm and atmosphere .. I 'd never stop admiring it !!!!
    Thank you so much for such beauty and have a joyful weekend my dear Carolyn. xo

  10. I have had the good fortune to visit Prince Edwuard Island and I was absolutely in love with.
    It is a dream of place.
    You are very fortunate to live in a place like this
    Wonderful !!


  11. Carolyn,I so wish I was there on your beautiful island right now. I am melting in 42c temperatures. I felt much cooler looking at the snow. While I was here I had another tour around your beautiful home. x

  12. What a beautiful Winter landscape! Here in Italy it's raining, raining and raininig again: more than Winter, a never-end Autumn!
    Greetings from an Italian follower
    Donna Bianca

  13. Great pictures and landscape.
    I love it!

  14. I so want to visit your beautiful island one day. It is such a stunning place. Thank you for taking us along on all of your little adventures.

    Amy Jo

  15. OH Carolyn!!!!!!
    I love this landscape!
    I hope in the future can visit Prince Edward Island....
    Annamaria from Italy

  16. Beautiful photos Carolyn! I love the historic homes in Summerside. The big farm with the huge barn (the one with the red trim) is fantastic. And, I love your country roads photos. Thanks for sharing. Pamela

  17. I have been to North Rustico a couple of times, but not in winter. I agree with you, wholeheartedly, that winter has much to offer; it's a shame to spent time wishing it away. Your photographs are wonderful, Carolyn; what a beautiful island!


  18. What a wonderful tour of your island! I loved every bit of it and the houses are so ornate and intricate. We still have snow here in the U.S. (Oregon) and I hate wishing it away too, as taking "snow pictures" is one of my favorite things to do. There are some on my blog that I cherish. Thank you for your sharing and beautiful photography! Marilyn @ Pink Paper Cottage

  19. The Island is gorgeous anytime of year , I love it! Beautiful photos .

  20. I always wanted to visit PEI after reading all the "Anne" books. Just as lovely as she described. That church is breathtaking.

  21. What a beautiful drive! Your photography is amazing!! I love, love reading your blog! Your posts are always so restful and inspiring.

  22. breathtaking! I love the pops of red and aqua against the snow. Your boathouse is so darling! I so hope to get to Prince Edwards Island someday!

  23. Wow. I'm with Jann, Carolyn. With each photo you share - whether it's of your own sweet home or other island homes and farms - the more I need to make my way there to see it all in person. It's just so beautifully historical! I don't know how much snow you have received there, but this winter has been especially brutal for us....and I am sooo ready for springtime!

    xoxo laurie

  24. No doubt it is beautiful in the wintertime!

  25. Oh thank you so much Carolyn, I so love my grand-babies but I'm missing home so much. This was perfect and took me back. Did you get out to visit Judy this past Christmas? Maybe our paths crossed somewhere along the hallway or kitchen. Your pictures are dynamic, Victoria By the Sea is a special spot I first visited when I came to the Island in 97. Blessings,

  26. Oh thank you so much Carolyn, I so love my grand-babies but I'm missing home so much. This was perfect and took me back. Did you get out to visit Judy this past Christmas? Maybe our paths crossed somewhere along the hallway or kitchen. Your pictures are dynamic, Victoria By the Sea is a special spot I first visited when I came to the Island in 97. Blessings,

  27. So sorry Carolyn, to have posted as Anonymous. Please delete that. I'm visiting my daughter on Dial-up and using a tablet... by the time I click somewhere and it redraws the screen, I could be back home on the Island lol frustrating but must be annoying, my apologies.

  28. Dear Carolyn,
    at first thank you very very much for sharing all the beautiful photos and your life. Finally I decided to visit PEI this summer. I've been in Nova Scotia somme years ago ....having a really marvelous time. Thanks for making my Holidayplanning so easy. Greetings from Switzerland Heike

  29. You captured some gorgeous shots Carolyn! Where is that farm with the white barn and red trim? That's quite beautiful! We're having a gorgeous day today - another one perfect for photo shoots!

  30. Oh my - PEI - a place I'd love to visit remembering Anne of Green Gables! Pics are just gorgeous - thanks for sharing! Love them ALL.

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Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
