Saturday, December 21, 2013

Winter Solstice

Today is winter solstice and it is a good feeling to know that this is
the shortest day of the year and starting the middle of January we
will notice a difference in the length of daylight hours.
This year we are getting more snow then we have in the past few
years so I feel pretty confident we will have a white Christmas
as we are expecting another 15 - 20 cm. tomorrow.
I took the shot above a couple of mornings ago when the moon was
still shining and the trees were laden with new snow. Our 
little cottage has been neglected this winter and did not
become our Christmas Cottage as in the past.

                                           You can see the snow is piling up already.

                                 This was shot from through the window on the landing of our home.
                                    I don't think I will be having tea here anytime soon!

Does this make you back ache?

                               The snow piled up on the deck as we didn't have enough wind
                                to blow it off so Andrew was concerned about the weight and
                                shoveled it off. The last few years that never happened.

Anyway, enjoying all that snow it is nice to sit by
the fire  and the tree with some hot apple cider.

              We had our annual family pizza party last night and our Christmas tree was declared
                         a monster ~ but pretty none the less!
                         Hope you are enjoying this Christmas season.



  1. Oh Carolyn, your tree is so beautiful. It looks like a tree from years ago. We have just as much snow in Ontario and an icy storm on the way. Stay warm. Deb

  2. The many years we went skiing for Christmas I was hoping for that much snow, but we often did not get it. This year we are home for Christmas and will have to make a sand snowman instead of from snow.

    Merry Christmas

  3. What a wonderful atmosphere, inside and outsdie your home Carolyn !!
    I wish you all the best for this Christmas to you and your beloved <3

  4. WoW, Carolyn! You do have a lot of snow. We have it, too, but not as much. Although, we'll see. I got up bright and early this morning around 6ish to finish off my Christmas decorating and the snow has been falling the entire day since then! All looks so cozy in your LR. Didn't you say you slimmed that tree?! Lol It is a beautiful nostalgic specimen!
    I think you and Andrew need a cat to curl up by your feet near the fire!!!! Our kitty, Monza, has no inclination to go outside and has been sleeping atop a stack of fileboxes piled up at the end of our hallway for over a week, so I haven't had the heart to move them. He likes the perch. I put a blankey there and he is content and comfy, 'categorizing' the files! Lol "Meowy Christmas!" XO
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  5. Oh my that is indeed a lot of snow. I hurt just watching Andrew shovel. It is so lovely there. I am hoping to put my boots in the snow at least once this year. Dave on the other hand is happy to be back and warm in FL. We will go back to take down the decorations and try to enjoy at least a week more of looking at them. It's just hard to leave FL in the wintertime. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas .

  6. The snow looks so romantic (except for the shoveling part). Your Christmas decorations are beautiful!

  7. After tomorrow, our snow will look much like the snow in your post as we are expecting a major storm. Your Christmas decorations are amazing! Larry

  8. Never in my life have I seen so much snow. My goodness it looks beautiful and magical and picturesque and COLD!

    I think the most snow I've ever seen in person is about half an inch, or 1 inch only filling up the bed of the truck. Lol!

    Those really are gorgeous photos. It's like looking at the Snow Queen's domain.


  9. The snow is beautiful in your garden Carolyn! You have so much more than we do. It's beautiful! Your home is always so beautiful and no more so than at Christmas!
    Have a lovely Christmas...

  10. We've had non-stop rain - boy if it were just a tad warmer this would be as your winter wonderland looks.

    I am sorely disappointed, but not for all those travelling on the highways and such - always have to find a silver lining.

    Your snow is gorgeous, I ADORE winter. There is really something about your porch table and chair and lone red watering can - very artfully taken in its splendid simplicity.

    Have a very happy Christmas, Carolyn.

  11. You really got an overload on snow but then again, a white Christmas is o so lovely. It would be a rarity if we'd have a white Christmas. That almost never happens and certainly not with so much snow as I see in your pictures.
    Have a wonderful Christmas time Carolyn.

  12. So wonderful!
    I wish you a very merry christmas,

  13. Just wonderful!
    I wish you a very merry christmas

  14. De joyeuses fêtes de Noël Carolyn★ *. • ˚ ˚ •. ★ ★.
    Your pictures are always wonderful of poetry. Thank you for sharing with us the winter solstice.

  15. A note from another Carolien, in Holland. No snow at all! So I love your pictures! Thnx for sharing!!

  16. now I know where the winter is :-)here in Poland we have still beautiful autumn and no snow at all !!! love from Poland, Ewa

  17. Christmas is really special in your Country...I remember "Road to Avonlea" , lovely series for TV.

  18. Sono tra le pagine di un libro di fiabe o sono nel tuo blog?
    La neve è tanta, ma sinceramente l'atmosfera è magica!!!
    Ciao e tanti auguri dall'ITALIA

  19. It looks beautiful, Carolyn. A white Christmas for you. : ) It looks perfectly cozy by your fireplace. I would probably claim that chair and sit there with my book and hot chocolate!

  20. Beautiful. Even the snow looks lovely - and that means a lot coming from me. I escaped it years ago.

  21. So beautiful these snow pictures and inside it is so cosy and warm with lovely Christmas decorations.

  22. I absolutely can't wait until your new winter book of photos comes in the mail. You are such a talented lady. I feel privileged to have found your blog. Thanks for all your hard work and dedication. Your Christmas pictures are really special.

    Debbie at Blue Silo Farm


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
