Sunday, December 16, 2012

Silver Bells

                                                         Hello everyone,
                                  Winter has arrived here and we have a good cover of snow on the ground now. It does make for a more Christmasy look for sure.
   I have a silver post today that ties in with the winter look.

                              I think this silver reindeer has a cool winter look.

            I added a few new silver bells etc. to my collection as they were 70% off .
                         I actually lucked in to a $5 white Christmas tree at the Restore on Friday so I will show you how it looks when I get it all decorated. I never thought I would want one but they have grown on me.

                                     The white tree with the lace curtain in the background.
                                              Love the cool silver look.
 A little sneak preview into the new 'conservatory' on the back of the cottage my husband and son built for me. I love it and you will probably see lots more of it! I also love the etched glass french doors that we got from an antique shop.

Thank you for stopping by,



  1. That reindeer is stunning! I love the silver. You have tapped into my palette of white, silver and a touch of pink. My room walls are now silver, odd as that sounds it is gorgeous. I'm "Going White" too, and this process is infinitely rewarding. My last posts are about this....and for me white and mercury glass is forever! lady

  2. Olá Carolyn.

    Pelo que vejo realmente o Natal chegou aí. E como é belo. Aqui o calor está intenso. A temperatura está em torno de 40º com sensação térmica de 43º. Esse verão deve ser muito quente aqui.

    Um abraço


  3. Thank you, Carolyn, for providing such a beautiful place for me to hide away from the ugly news of the world. Your world is a much lovelier place to be.

  4. Love the reindeer, Carolyn! Ooooh, I can't wait to see more of the conservatory. I'm sure you will have it looking as beautiful as everything else you share with us.

  5. That looks so beautiful Carolyn. Can't wait to see more of the conservatory. I'm beginning to have some affection for a white tree also..Happy Weekend..Judy

  6. Beautiful post Carolyn. I love the Reindeer head and all of the pretty silver ornaments.

  7. I use a lot of silver myself and love the deer head. I think the white tree is going to look pretty once you have it decorated. Now you have the snow and we don't. :-)

  8. Gulp.

    UM, did I read your now have a conservatory???????????????

    Carolyn, may I be you for just half a second, please?

    Kidding aside, seriously, oh my GOSH.

    The silver is awesome and a white tree is exactly what your pretty space needs!

    But I can't get over the conservatory thing..........I think I need to move or win the lottery or something, haha.

    Hugs of sincere happiness for you!!!!!!!!

  9. Everything looks enchanting. Thanks for all you share........Merry Christmas to you and yours.
    Love Jeanne♥

  10. I love silver and white for the winter months. Your new conservatory is lovely and the view through the French doors looks so pretty with the snow out the windows.

  11. Very pretty and what a tantalizing look you have offered us of the new conservatory...looking forward to seeing it all!

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Même de si loin, je joins mes pensées aux vôtres ...


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
