Thursday, November 15, 2012

Red & White Christmas Touches

                                                               Hello everyone,

                    I hope you don't think I have forgotten you-it is quite the opposite, my mind has been busy thinking of all the things I want to get done and share with you, but  finding the time to do them seems to be my problem.I am sure you know what that is like-or does everyone not stay awake at night dreaming up ideas???
                    Anyway, some of you have asked what style of Christmas decorating I am doing this year, and I guess the answer is a more simple natural approach.
                     So, with that in mind I have been out walking in our  woods etc. collecting greenery,cones,moss and berries .I think red and white is the perfect color scheme for our kitchen/diningroom as I already have lots of those colors with my red and white transferware collection on display year round .
  We went to the garden club meeting last night and after the meeting we stopped at the grocery store  for necessities like these beautiful half price roses!
                            I spotted these cute little rubber boots at a thrift store awhile ago and thought they were perfect for display in my kitchen sitting on my toile boxes filled with my Christmas magazines.
                                  I hope you spotted my red and white transferware in the cupboards. I have been collecting it piece by piece for several years now.

                            I think simple little touches add to the homey look of a kitchen.
                           So simple to add some greenery to these pretty cones with some florist foam and when they dry out, It is a short walk to the woods for fresh ones.

                            I love my transferware pitcher and basin from Coulson's a few years ago.

                                                        I sure do love these roses too!

                                This is hanging on my corner cupboard(also from Coulson's),that has lots of dishes stashed away inside.
                                                                     So beautiful!

                     Well,just a little peek at some simple Christmas touches at our house.

I am joining French Country Cottage today for Feathered Nest Friday. , Common Ground for Vintage Inspiration and The Charm of Home for Home Sweet Home. I am also joining My Romantic Home for Show and;Tell Friday today.

Thank you for your visit!



  1. Ha ha ha, I can relate to the ideas thing - sometimes I was I could put my mind on pause for a few days. ;) I loooove the sprigs and berries in the wellies!! Darling! I love natural Christmas decorations, too - it's the best way to get started!
    :) Lara

  2. You do simple in a beautiful manner.

  3. I really love your heart with embroidery:) so cute:)

  4. Love the simplicity of your red and white, Carolyn! Your pitcher and bowl is lovely and those boots are pretty cute! Have a beautiful weekend.


  5. Tutto così dolce e romantico!Amo la brocca e il catino!Saluti,Rosetta

  6. Pretty,pretty, pretty, one and all. Thanks so much for sharing! Susan

  7. Before ..I didn't know, but now I do, there must be a bit of Red with Christmas. Lovely with the porcelain an ofcourse the toile...
    Thanks for the inspiration, have a nice weekend!

  8. Dear Carolyn,
    Those boots are so darling!!!! oh, I just love them. Of course, I always love all of your pictures and the charming things in them. Those little boots just touched my heart though and how sweet they look with Christmas greens in them.
    Great post! Wonderful transfer ware. Never get tired of looking at that.
    All the best, Ruthie from:

  9. Gorgeous-ness abounds here!
    I love red and white at Christmas!
    Love all your photos and those roses....oooh-la-la!

    Deborah xoxooxox

  10. Hi Carolyn, your posts are always so delightful....fresh and inspiring! I love the naturals in your kitchen area and love the red transfer ware. You are causing me to covet some...if only I could decide on a color, I might start collecting, too! The roses are awesome. Can't wait to see your home all decorated for Christmas!

  11. Carolyn,

    Adorei seu jarro e bacia. Adoro decoração de Natal e é bom ver sua casa se transformando com a decoração de Natal. As vezes acordo durante a noite com uma ideia ou outra para realizar um projeto, é muito bom.

    Um bom final de semana.


  12. I love the red and white, simple, festive and just perfect. I have my who family for Thanksgiving so I can not start yet....

  13. So simple and elegant at the same time. Love the red plaid boots.


  14. Your red and white decor is delightful and I can't get over how much of the red transferware you have.
    The little heart with the red cross stitching makes me think of my Danish friend who decorates with red and white hearts.

  15. da te si respira sempre un'atmosfera meravigliosa!!!!!!!!1 buon fine settimana Lory

  16. Would you just look at that heart lace trim? LOVE IT. You do find the best items my dear and red and white suits your home. AS me being there too would.. (heehee)

    Cotton Peony

  17. Oh how I love red and white at christmas time. Your home is an example to all of us on how to do it right. simply stunning.

  18. HI Carolyn
    The boots are the sweetest thing...
    Have a great week...
    Blessings Lori ~

  19. hi Dina
    It is wonderful you invite us into your beautiful home. Makes me wnat to set at the dining rm. table & have a cup of tea. ahhhhh you are

  20. Carolyn: Your red and white Christmas is very cottagey and pretty. I think that will be my line of thought for my kitchen also, and yes I do lay awake some (most) nights just planning. What sweet little red and white boots, what a great find. I just came across some old vintage post cards I had forgotten, so might have to sneak (steal) a little something from you..Happy Weekend..Judy

  21. I adore red tranferware and you have a lovely collection. I love red and white together so much!

  22. Ohhh! I love your red tranferware:))Wish I had something like that...Lucky you:)
    Hug from Vibeke

  23. Witam! Niezmiernie sie ciesze, ze moglam odkryc Twojego bloga - jest jak swiat z bajki, zaczelam przegladac, jednak nie doszlam jeszcze do konca ale nie spieszno mi wcale bo to istna przyjemnosc, uczta dla oczu, forma pieknego relaxu z filizanka herbatki ... uwielbiam! Wielokrotnie powracam do jakiegos posta aby jeszcze raz nacieszyc oczy cudenkami - wszystko jest takie piekne az by sie chcialo miec u siebie. Ogrod natomiast to jak FairyLand :) i jestem w nim zakochana, pragnelabym aby moc usiasc i delektowac sie cudowna wonia otaczajacych kwiatow i trawy, spacerowac posrod barw kwitowych, moglabym tak wyliczac w nieskonczonosc. U Ciebie jest pieknie, milo, romantycznie i niesamowicie cieplo. Kocham niezmiernie cudowna transferware ktora posiadasz, jest urzekajaca. Wiec rozsiadam sie wygodnie i ogladam dalej.
    Pozdrawiam cieplo.

  24. I love all your wonderful ideas, I'm going more simple this year too. Those pops of red are just perfect!! thanks so much for joining in for Vintage Inspiration, I'll be featuring this wonderful post!

  25. How pretty this is! Thanks for joining me at HSH!

  26. Hi,
    As a lover of red I had to pop over when I saw you featured at Common Ground. Love all of your creative touches. I had to laugh about the dreaming thing. Last night I could hardly sleep thinking about decorating for Christmas. I am doing things a little bit different this year and thoughts just kept popping into my head. lol! Love, love your transferware. I would love to collect some for myself. The little boots are so precious. It is all just magical! I have a link party, Share Your Cup Thursday. I would love if you shared sometime! I think I already follow you, but could not see your followers to make sure.

  27. Hi Carolyn,

    Yes you have yet another piece of red transferware I am groaning over. That pitcher and bowl ugh! Love, love, love! Ebay has quite a bit of red transferware but the shipping is out of this world. SO I have to be choosy! Well I think I am a groupy now, love everything you do. The sweet heart, a simple candle, darling. God bless. Cathy

    PS. thank you for visiting my humble blog, notice the red/white? LOL!

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Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
