Friday, March 2, 2012

For the Love of Lilacs

Happy Weekend!

I decided to share garden photos on the weekends for awhile.  Since our garden is covered with more then a foot of snow,they will be  photos from previous years.

                  My theme for today is lilacs from our garden.

                                            Lilacs make such beautiful bouquets!

                                                             Primrose Lilac has a hint of yellow.

                                        Beauty of Moscow-one of my favorite lilacs.I love the blush of pink.

                                What could be more romantic then afternoon tea under the lilacs?

                             A sink full of our lilacs ready for bouquets.

Our Lilacs

You have probably realized that I love lilacs in all colors and varieties and I am looking forward to the day when they will be blooming again! Is there anything sweeter then the fragrance of lilacs???

I am joining The Rose Garden in Malevik for Show Off Saturday.

I hope you all have a very happy weekend!


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  1. This is a beautiful post. Love your lilacs. All of your pictures are just lovely. I am going to be sure and take pictures with my lilacs this year. I have watched mine grow over the 7 years I have lived in my house and they have gotten much bigger than I expected. Thanks so much for this post, I always love visiting your blog.

  2. Hi Carolyn.
    We have the first spring day here vest in Norway. I've been sitting on my terracce today, and the sun was warming, a fantastic feeling.
    Your pictures are beautiful, and I'm sure you will give us a lot of inspiration from your garden this summer to come.
    Have a really nice weekend Carolyn.
    Hugs from Mette

  3. Hi Carolyn
    oooooooh do you have snow now?? Here it is sunny and lovley Spring.......
    Soon the spring is coming to you also
    and do not miss.....




    Last week it was 106 lovley Blogs
    It is Fun :)
    Håkan ( The Roseman)

  4. Beautiful, beautiful photographs. I can smell the scent from here!
    Roll on Spring!
    Z xx

  5. Your Lilacs are gorgeous, I wish we could grow them here in the South. I understand they smell fabulous, too. Lucky you!

  6. Oh, these photos are simply beautiful. I love lilacs and have 2 bushes at our home and 2 on our country lot. They look so pretty in the mason jar. Hugs, Deb

  7. Lovely! I was just describing lilacs to my daughter yesterday, because we don't live in a climate where they survive, and it nearly broke my heart that she hasn't gotten to breathe them in yet. I guess it's time for a road trip to my mom's :) Thanks for the lovely post.

  8. Your lilacs are amazing! It seems like we are all going to our flower archive to give us a boost until spring. I did a flower post at well, please stop by if you get a chance, Laura

  9. Dearest Carolyn, I love Lilacs!
    This was a treat to see your gorgeous Lilacs of different colors and types.

    May we all have a terrific week-end!

  10. Åh.........jeg elsker syrener, og ikke mindst duften af dem :-)

  11. Have a nice weekend Carolyn, I enjoyed the pictures with the beatifull colors, I love the smell of these flowers...
    Greeting Diana

  12. Your lilacs are stunning, Carolyn! I've never had any in my own garden, but I love the scent. I will have to see if I can find some in a bouquet to bring into the house.

  13. Dear Carolyn,

    I can practically SMELL those glorious bouquets! Oh my!!!

    How absolutely stunning.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  14. Hi Carolyn
    fra poco la primavera e i Lillà nuovamente sbocceranno! Li aspetto con impazienza, adoro questi magnifici fiori!
    un saluto dall'Italia

  15. The Lilacs are so pretty I have never thought of Lilacs as being so pretty but you have shown me they are thank you for if only I could have some pretty flowers around my house.....that would be even better....

  16. Hi Carolyn
    What a nice surprise to see all your lilacs from past years, just beautiful!
    I hope my Beauty of Moscow blooms this year, it was vigorous after I planted it last spring.

  17. Carolyn: Most beautiful lilacs! Can't wait until mine start blooming. I've tried to bring boquet in the house but mine always wilt. Do you have any hints to share...Judy at GoldCountryCottage

  18. Just so gorgeous! I can almost smell them. Pamela

  19. Much as I love Winter, I can just smell the lilacs.

  20. Carolyn,

    What a luscious array of lilacs you've presented. I've always been partial to them, no doubt influenced by my mother's fondness for their scented loveliness! Eventually, we'll both have blooms at our homes.


  21. So beautiful. My mother loved lilacs. Thank you for the memory your photos invoked.

  22. All is wonderful!!!!!!!!!! Nice week end Carolyn....Anna

  23. Wonderful images of lilac, in all the colors. I long for when they bloom again. Then the sweet smell of lilacs spread in my little garden. I wish you a wonderful weekend! Zinnias

  24. Looking at those beautiful lilacs , makes me want to rejoice!!! Knowing that soon enough we will have the lovely scent of them in our home...I hope to call you on Monday... Blessings to you & all your love ones this day...Lori

  25. Wow! Your lilacs are so beautiful! I love all the colours you have.I have only one very old lilacs in our garden, but the scent of it is really lovely! Thanks for teh beautiful pictures! Blessings from Hungary, Andrea

  26. Carolyn, thank you for sharing this lovely photos. I have only one lilac, but my garden is small. I love it very much.


  27. I have just ordered two lilac plants 'Madame Lemoine' and 'Sensation' from the Telegraph newspaper garden section. I hope they flourish as well as yours. xx

  28. Hi Carolyn

    Your lilacs are so beautiful, and I also loved very much lilacs. I have 2 lilac plants in my garden and I will try these year "the beauty of Moscow"...

    Have a nice weekend!! Groetjes

  29. la primavera è nel tuo post!!!!!! una meraviglia...ti abbraccio e buon week end Lory

  30. Wonderful!!! Have a happy weekend. Many Greetings :-)

  31. Oh how YUMMY. I love lilacs......and they were my Mum's favorite flower. As soon as I get a whiff of them, I think of her. She'd have loved these pictures.

    You probably already know the sweet little June over at but if you don't you need to go visit. You will love her... and she actually has lilacs posted now too.

    Have a wonderful weekend.


  32. YESTERDAY..Tornadoes PTL Not.
    OMY I HVE TO HV A LILAC BUSH/TREE!!! I saw them when we were in IOWA May 2011-am wonderig if they will thrive in the deep south {South Alabama} Do yo know?

  33. Oh Carolyn, I am utterly swooning. I share your love of lilacs. We get them here in the late spring and just taking a walk in the neighborhood is so pleasant as the perfume fills the air! Have a wonderful weekend!


  34. So beautiful lilacs. You never knew there were so many different colors of them.
    Here we have like spring right now - lovely! Hope you have a nice weekend.
    Love Elzie

  35. Wowwwwww BEAUTIFUL !!! happy weekend love

  36. Your photos are inspiring and I wish for the day that lilacs will fill my yard once again...have a great weekend.

  37. Oh, sweet lilacs! Even the sight of a photo of lilacs warms a winter's day. How I love them and anticipate their spring arrival.
    I hope you are enjoying a lovely weekend.

  38. Beauty of Moscow has to be my favourite, Carolyn. Admittedly, I love them all! I can smell them now right through my computer screen. Sigh. I, for one, would love to hear your 'secrets' for growing such marvellous specimens...

    Hope you are enjoying the weekend. The temps are bitter here this past week.

    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  39. Lovley to see my favorite in so many ways .I have not seen the Beauty of Moscow before ,Have a great weekend,Nette

  40. Oh, Carolyn what a delicious treat!! We have slushy snow here . . . which I find at this time of year, quite difficult to bear . . . when so many are posting blossoms and food from their gardens. Seeing your fabulous photography of one of my favorite blooms is a delightful surprise. Beautiful!!! Here's to Lilac time!

  41. Thank you for your beautiful display- such a wonderful gift on a overcast day. I love lilacs: Forty years ago my husband and I had filled our little country church with lilacs all overflowing from white wicker baskets. The smell was intoxicating- the memory will always be precious.
    Again, Thank you

  42. So beautiful! I can almost smell those lilacs. :-)
    We only have one lilac bush so far, and didn't fare too well during the dry spell last Summer. In fact, I thought it was dead. However, when I pruned it, I found green inside the branches. :-)

  43. All your pictures make me smile. Lilacs remind me of my childhood and my mothers sweet garden... full of lilacs and peonies...

    Thank you for sharing such beautiful things.

    Have a blissful week.


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
