Monday, February 27, 2012

More Beauty!

Hello everyone,
      Today, I have  more beauty to share with you as a follow up from my last post. As, I mentioned in my last post a reader of my blog sent me some beautiful photos of her home and all the beautiful treasures she has collected over the years and I have been given permission to share them with you.

I love the tea set above-the color is so pretty..
Lots of pretty things to see here-the doll and cradle really caught my eye! This is such a pretty bedroom.
Love this feminine chair!

Can't help but love this too!
Beyond beautiful!
Delicate and pretty!
Another beautiful antique dress.Did all the ladies have such a tiny waistline back then???
Adorable hats and a lovely glass cabinet full of more treasures.
A pretty teapot with a spout strainer-I have never seen one of those before.

Antique lace

This is just the beginning of the most beautiful collection of china I have ever seen. I will share the rest of it at a later date. I have so loved seeing  all the beautiful china,lace etc. and I hope you have too! Thanks once again to my friend for sharing with us!

As March is getting closer I am  in the mood for spring cleaning and getting some little projects done so  my camera/computer time has been slashed dramatically! I hope you will be patient with me as I may be a little more sporadic for awhile.

Thank you for visiting,



  1. Oh my goodness,again I am in raptures. I so want that bedroom.
    xx jeanetteann

  2. Hi Carolyn,
    I just love that teapot!!!! I'll be dreaming of it tonight. What is wrong with me?! I am addicted to teapots, my drug of choice. Hehe
    Hugs to you,
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  3. I new to this I think your blog is lovely. Merle from Sydney.

  4. OH MY!!! I just love her bed room,,, so many pretties to look at... the baby cradles are stunning..... and her china sets gorgeous.... thank you and to her of sharing her beautiful home with us...
    Happy Spring cleaning.....


  5. What a beautiful and charming bedroom ~ I love all the gorgeous lace, and all that fabulous vintage china...OH MY!!! Looking forward to seeing more pics of her beautiful home!!

    Warmest hugs, Brenda

  6. Loved seeing such a gorgeous room, Carolyn. Thanks so much for sharing. Your blog is bliss! Susan

  7. What a sweet & beautiful bedroom. I have some of the same elements in the bedroom we have for our granddaughter when she sleeps over....the iron bed, curio, teapots on a shelf. I also have my grandmother's hand-made gown hanging on the door. However, this room is much prettier than mine...also gives me some new ideas. Thanks for sharing.

  8. My goodness these are beautiful things. That teapot is wonderful! And the china is amazing.

  9. The lacy dresses are so lovely, the china is all gorgeous and I love the little cradles.
    How wonderful to have a friend who has all of these fabulous treasures in her home. I'm so glad you allowed you to photograph them.
    Hugs, Cindy

  10. Beautiful! It's like taking a step back in time. Wouldn't it have been fun to be in that era and wear thos beautiful dresses and use those lovely laces and dishes? Oh my...I could get carried away!

  11. I love that bow backed chair! I have never seen anything like it

  12. What a great collection! I love buying teapots but have never seen a strainer before. I'll have to put it on my list for items to watch for.

    Enjoy our spring cleaning. I started this weekend & can't believe what I've gotten rid of & reorganized. All during a blizzard, our first this winter!

  13. OH MY!!!!!!! I don't know if I love the china/tea sets or the lacey white dresses most! Thanks for sharing.

  14. Oh, Carolyn! Oh my gosh!

    Her things are amazing! I am overloaded on beauty and sheer girliness! WOW!!!!!!!

    Amazing pictures, amazing post!

  15. Carolyn: You are so right. Your friend's collections are beyond beautiful..Thank her for sharing with all of us...Judy at GoldCountryCottage

  16. Hi Carolyn,

    Wow! She has a beautiful collection! Love the light blue tea set too. Everything is looking so pretty and very romantic.

    Have a nice day,

  17. What a beautiful home. Can understand you were thrilled about these pictures. Does this woman have a blog? If not, it would be great if she got one, lol.
    Hope you enjoy your spring cleaning!
    Love Elzie

  18. The bedroom with all of the pretty lacy things and oh the china and teapot. Thank you for sharing all of these lovelies. I loved the visit.

  19. Hi Carolyn
    This lady really does need a blog. Thankfully you are able to share her collections which are amazing.

  20. Gorgeous dresses and so much delicate lace! Such a romantic room. The teapot with the spout strainer is wonderful..I've never seen one either! Thanks for sharing!
    Miss Bloomers

  21. Beautiful photos.Love those dishes.That color is so pretty.I am knee deep in projects too.I need to get off the computer and get some much needed work done.

  22. WOW! I love browsing your blog! So many wonderful images here... I could dream the day away. Thank you and your guest for sharing. Her collection is beautiful!

  23. Thank you for your wonderful posts. I enjoy them very much. Many Greetings

  24. OMG - can I please come live with this lady? Does she need a daughter or granddaughter? How lovely. Karen at Linen 'n Lace.

  25. Oh my goodness, what gorgeous photos! Everything is just lovely! And I am simply swooning over her collection of china and teacups. A real treat to see this. Thanks for sharing.


  26. The teapot.. the tea cup..and everything else!
    I would like everything!!!!

    Thank you Carolyn..and if you want, you are invited on my blog for a special giveaway! :)


  27. What I beautiful post, thanks for sharing. Love the dishes.

  28. Your friend's collection is beautiful. By showing it to us you have taken what could have been an ordinary day and filled it with exquisite beauty. Spectacular collection.
    Thank you both.

  29. Dolcissima Carolin, hai ricevuto davvero una visita meravigliosa.
    Tutte queste cose mi fanno tornare indietro nel tempo...a me in particolare fanno impazzire le cuffiette..le adoro, ma è tutto cosi romantico che fa venire nostalgia.
    Attendo con ansia il prossimo post!
    Baci Marina

  30. Carolyn: Beyond beautiful perfect descriptive words for these images and collection from one of your followers! Thank you for sharing!

  31. oh Carolyn,

    Your friends collection of china is amazing! I LOVE it all!!

    Happy day,

    Madelief x

  32. Oooh Carolyn! Thanks for the treat!

  33. I've never seen such a wonderful collection of antiques before. Beautifully displayed with all the teapots, cups and saucers. I am jealous.


  34. Wow! What a great bunch of pictures! Who has collections like that? (Only the most dedicated and discriminating of collectors, that's who!) Great post. Now I'll be researching spout-strainers.

  35. That home of yours is looking good. Nice work! It's beautiful!

    Philippine properties

  36. Beautifull pastel blue. One of my favorites!

  37. Carolyn ... I feel I'm about to jump out of my skin after viewing these wonderful images of your friend's collection ... for never have I seen anyone with so many things in one place that I too own, and have been collecting over the years. The French wire doll cradle and toy iron bed (I have three), the christening robes, the little dresses and matinee coats, the precious bonnets, even the picture on the wall, and related items too many to list ... and hers all displayed so lovingly with great attention to detail. Seems like I fell into my own closet and came out into a dream world when I saw her photos. However, I do pity her the ironing (if she does her own) because I'm fairly sure I've spent years of my life teasing little ruffles, pintucks and tiny laces into renewed perfection ... I would so love to meet, or talk to this person who shares such an ongoing passion for these precious little fragilities of the past. And, thank you Carolyn, for introducing her to us through her photographs. Best regards ... Monica Roberts


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
