Thursday, November 10, 2011

Teal Green Transferware

Hello everyone,
   I took these shots last weekend when we had a little coat of snow as you can see in the background and then all week we had beautiful warm sunny days again. 
I have been doing some fall cleaning and so my dishes are getting changed around a bit and so I did a little vignette to share with you today.
These teal green transferware dishes are mainly yardsale finds.

How about some Moroccan style green mint tea?

Tomorrow we are going to get lots of rain and wind, but very warm temperatures, not our usual Remembrance Day weather, as it is often very cold. I attended a lovely Remembrance Day service with my Mom today at the home where she lives. My Dad was a soldier overseas in the Second World War and he met my Mom when he was stationed in Holland. After the war Mom came over to Canada as a young war bride. I think it is important to take time to remember the sacrifice that was made so we can live in peace-may it always be so!

If you love tranferware like I do, you should pay a visit to Maison Decor where she is having a lovely giveaway of transferware from Nancy's Daily Dish.

Transferware Giveaway
I am joining French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday and My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday.
Thank you for stopping by,



  1. I love transferware of any color and this is a wonderful set. A lovely tea table indeed!

  2. I have had brown Transferware since I was a young bride.I do love the teal and I'm always keeping my eye out for lavender.Wouldn't teal and lavender be nice mixed up together?I think so. Denise

  3. Carolyn, yes may it ALWAYS be so.

    Love the dishes; can`t believe how much beautiful china you have!!!


  4. Hi Carolyn
    I have Moroccan mint green tea too and really enjoy it. The green Transferware teacup is the perfect colour for this tea.

  5. Beautiful dishes! I keep picking up transferware too. Sometimes it's practically given away. It should live where it's really appreciated. I loved looking over your recent November posts too! So cozy!

  6. Thanks for sharing this beautiful china. I have a couple of pieces of this color and love them.

  7. Teal is such a lovely's great to see it in transferware. Your pattern is very nice and so is your tea setting and vignettes.

  8. Your dishes are just beautiful, lovely post. How nice you you remembered and honored your Dad's service in World War II. I know we all appreciated the service of all the soldiers then and now. Laura

  9. What a lovely color in transferware, I just love all the colors transfer comes in, and here is a gorgeous and elegant teal! Beautiful vignette and beautiful tea setiing. Hugs, FABBY

  10. I love your teal transferware as it is not very common. It looks beautiful with the snowy background out the window. It's raining here tonight so will be wet for Remembrance Day ceremony at the park. I hope you have a great weekend. Pamela

  11. What a lovely colour!

    And I enjoyed the glimpse of the white stuff outside your window. It looks pretty.

    My mom's brother was in WW2 and he brought a bride to Canada from England. I always thought that was romantic (as a young girl hearing the story).

  12. Dearest Carolyn,

    Oh, Pieter and I are very much aware of the many sacrifices that were made in order to liberate Europe! We are forever grateful for having gotten our freedom back. Sadly though so many young people and also not so young who never have been personally involved in any war, never LOST all freedom, they don't appreciate it. It's a shame!
    Thanks for everything and you can hug your Mom for that too as she too had a difficult time coming with him back to Canada. There was no way to visit back and forth or call over the phone at that time. Life was tough.
    But you can be very proud, you inherited so much from two great countries.

    Love to you,


  13. Very nice porcelain, but the amazing crochet tablecloth....!Wonderful colors! Thanks! Have a nice weekend! Hugs from Hungary

  14. Hello,
    I'm with Froni, my eyes went strait to your beautiful crochet table covers, wow! and of course your table ware is pretty.

  15. Love this green tableware,very charming and would be a treasure at any setting:)

  16. The green transfer ware is so pretty, it's my favourite colour of all the transfer ware.
    How lovely that there was a Remembrance Day service at the home where your mother lives. One of my aunts also went to Canada as a young war bride, she is 86 now still lives in Quebec.

  17. Carolyn,

    I love the dishes and the way you have photographed them. I am always looking when we are out and about nnd hope I can pick some up this year!

    Have a wonderful weekend.


  18. Hello Carolyn, have I missed your blog? YES! have I missed your designs? O! YES I HAVE and it is wonderful to be back to see a beautiful Autumn touch your pages.

    Lee-Ann Australia

  19. I love the teal transferware! They just whisper "winter" to me!



  20. Dear Carolyn,

    I had to catch up with you again :-)! I see I missed your last post. They both look beautiful! It's busy around here with lots of appointments and extra choir rehearsals coming up. The snow in the background looks lovely. It's still sunny in Holland, although temperatures are now dropping.

    Wish you a happy weekend,

    Madelief x

  21. Hi Carolyn,

    Teal transferware is one of my favorites and as you know, I'm sure, it was not produced as much as other colors. It's quite hard to find. I try to maintain a decent stock as it's a good seller. The color is so calming somehow. I collect teal for one of my children.

    Thank you for including the link to the giveaway that Amy and I are hosting.

    I would love to do a giveaway with you sometime if you're interested.

    Your photos are always, always such pure pleasure to the eyes! Thank you for sharing so much beauty with us!


  22. Very pretty dishes, and those tablecloths are exquisite! Bess

  23. The transferware is so pretty against the window with the snow outside.
    A wonderful day to remember our veterans. My Daddy wasn't a veteran but worked in Michigan during the war building airplanes for the military. I'm so proud of him and honor all the veterans, past and present.

  24. Carolyn:

    Your teal transferware is so lovely. I do need to come to visit more often. It's always a peaceful experience whenever I do.

    - The Tablescaper

  25. Thanks for the shoutout on the giveaway Carolyn! Right up your alley, I would LOVE for you to win! the teal is so pretty with the tiny lines of delicate gold. It is an unusual color. I know I saw a very good deal on a teal soup tureen on Etsy a while back. I was surprised it hadn't sold, maybe not many collect this color.

  26. I have never seen teal transfer ware before. It's very pretty. It's wonderful that you were able to honour the memory of your father at your mother's home yesterday. My grandparents emigrated from Holland before the war but their oldest son brought back a British War Bride. Their stories were all so unique but with one common thread - the love of a Canadian man...I love to read their stories.

  27. I do wish it would be like this, and hope that people can live in peace one day.
    Lovely dishes you are showing today. I like that green color.
    Hope you have a good evening.
    Love Elzie

  28. Your collections always amaze me, Carolyn – tht shade of teal is an exquisite color, so calming and serene.

    I hope that we can all extend the remembrances throughout the year for so many that served – we are all touched by them forever.

    Have a lovely new week! – g

  29. Carolyn your tranferware is gorgeous and so are your photos. I so love the first photo with the snow beyond the window. ♥

  30. Oh Carolyn,
    So pretty. I love it and have never seen it before in this color.

    Lucky u,

  31. Teal green transferware at a yard sale? OMGosh, I'd be out yard sale-ing every day. I rarely see any of the teal green here in Georgia, mostly only at antique stores. Thanks for sharing a look at your beautiful pieces.

  32. Uh, I being redundant if I say that I love this, too?! heh, heh.

    I love piles of dishes! I've been switching all of my cabinets and closets around, too, the last couple of months. Things make much more sense, now, and there is something so satisfying about knowing that, even the drawers and closets are home-ified and lovely clean and together.

    Carolyn, the light on these is so beautiful. The one with the heart and the candle is - just so happy and sweet! =]

  33. Dear Carolyn

    I am in the UK and have a deep love of teal (and pink) transferware. I have real trouble finding any teal? could you tell me on the bottoms of some of your pieces who the makers are and what the degigns/pattern they are so I can search in more depth please?....stunning blog and pics!

  34. Hi I know this is an old post but do you happen to know the name/maker of this transferware? It’s gorgeous.

  35. Hi Shea,
    I just posted a photo of the markings on the bottom of the transferwre
    on my blog post today so you can see it there.

    Hope that helps!


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
