Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Romantic Notions

Hello Everyone!
     I think I mentioned that I was going to take some time this week and play with my camera so today was the day.It is nice and sunny here today and the light in the sun room was just right for taking a few shots.
So I gather up some of my soft and romantic pretty things to do a little shoot.

I am so happy to still have roses in the garden for a little bouquet.
I remembered when I was cutting this rose that a few weeks ago someone asked me the name of it and when I bought it several years ago it had no label on it so it was discounted and of course I had to snap it up as I can't resist a bargain it seems.It is an English rose but that is all I can tell you-sorry.This is the rose photographed by the old picket fence  here when I was asked.

The little perfume bottles -one is very old and the other one is new-a thrift shop find.
This is my favorite of all the pics I took today. I hope you enjoyed my Romantic Notions as I much as I enjoyed taking these pics for you!

Enjoy a beautiful day!



Madelief said...

Dear Carolyn,

You made some beautiful photo's! Now and then it's fun trying things out with your camera. You can often do more with it than you think.

Happy wednesday!


Elzie said...

So lovely pictures. And the perfume bottle is just adorable. Sure remind us of times that's gone.
Hope you still have lovely weather. Here it's autumn with rain and hard winds.
Love Elzie

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

It's a beautiful day, isn't it? I bet you're out in the garden today. Your pictures are simply dreamy. You do have a way with the camera! Thank you for sharing your pretties with us. I have sent you an email.


Cottage and Broome said...

I liked your favorite picture too, so pretty. The roses are just beautiful. Thanks for sharing, Laura Cottage and Broome

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Carolyn, These are lovely shots of some of your pretties. I love the sense of peace, gentleness and grace you feel looking at them.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Hi Carolyn
Your photos are very nice, you have always had the knack for getting the angles right - something I need to work on. Are you still taking your photography course?

Linda said...

Very pretty, nostalgic post, Carolyn!

Linda at Beautiful Ideas

Magdalena said...

Yes, really romantic and of course beautiful pictures :-)

Anonymous said...

Carolyn - Your photos are perfection! You've captured the world I would live in if I could. And those frosted roses in the banner - are they your work, too? Brilliant! Do you enter your pieces in art shows? We have a very active artist's community here - lots of galleries and shows and art societies. You'd show well!

Heaven's Walk said...

I agree with everyone else, Carolyn. You should make a career in photography! You are THAT good! I so loved seeing your beautiful white rose today. It was so cold, windy, and rainy here in MI, that your rose was a breath of summer... :)

xoxo laurie

Pamela Gordon said...

I did enjoy them! Beautiful shots. It was a lovely day here too but I find with the sun moving around and getting lower in the sky that I'm not getting the light I need for indoor shots. I like your new header photos too. Beautiful!

Susan said...

Loved the photos, Carolyn. Plus, the roses in the header look they were dipped in sparkling sugar crystals. Great job! Susan

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

What wonderful photos you have they really are beautiful I love how you have your name on them I would love to learn how to do more with the photos I take

Rowan said...

Beautiful photographs, I love the perfume spray. I wonder whether anyone uses such things today?

Catherine said...

Very nice photos as usual! i love the romantic way you took the pictures. Blessings Catherine

Nika Vintage said...

Que bonitos los perfumeros!!!
Que romantico, es precioso.

Kathleen said...

Hi Carolyn! what a very beautiful photos you have here in your Blog..the photos, the subject, your garden and everything looks like unreal to me when i first saw it, so glad google leads me to your little paradise even in cyber i can smell the perfect Autumn from Prince Edward Island. More power and definitely I'll be dropping more often here.

Cottage Rose said...

OH Carolyn; what beautiful pretties,,, and you take the most lovely photos I have ever seen,, I need to practice with my camera.... I have missed stopping by and gazing at you beautiful garden,,,, as always I am in awe of it,, have a great week.


Beverly said...

Your photo shoot was a great success. I love the soft and dreamy look of the shots.

Lynn-Teacupstitches said...

Hello Carolyn!
You are very talented with the camera and what a lovely day for photographing!
I especially enjoyed your compositions of the objects. It's not easy to do and make it look as good as yours do!!
Thanks for sharing your pretties!!
Sweet Blessings,

Cindy Adkins said...

So lovely! My favorite is the last, also, and I love the pink perfume bottle! You're so talented.

Jacqueline~Cabin and Cottage said...

Such beautiful portraits of your carefully chosen objects! A beautiful rose color, and that amazing cup. What a wonderful collection you have. With the light and lace it's all just dazzling!

Ruthie Miller said...

Lovely as always. I love the light through the lace or eyelet in the last picture. You are a lucky woman to have such luxurious roses in your very own garden. Thank you for sharing your lovely life.
I also love the teacup at top with the basket weave inside.

Marilyn Miller said...

lovely! you always inspire me with your photographs.

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Carolyn,

All the ingredients for some lovely photos are a keen eye; a rose and some pink... Lovely post; well done!
Love to you,

Sandra said...

I also love the photo in your banner. The roses touched by frost is just so beautiful as are the photos you shared with us in his post.

Thank you for taking time to share your romantic notions.

Chrissy...The Apothecary Shop said...

Dreamy and romantic post....just lovely! Hope this finds you well,Chrissy