Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Country Days

Hello again,
     This time of the year I love to go for a long walk on the woodland trail that used to be the old railway track and pick wild blackberries as the canes  are laden with an abundance of juicy ripe fruit. It is so pleasant to be out early on a sunny morning picking little buckets full to take home and make into muffins,smoothies or blackberry shortcakes.
I stopped to pick a sweet little bouquet along the walk because we all know I don't have enough flowers in my own garden! he!he!
I don't go far without my sun hat.

This treasured old cookbook belonged to my husband's grandmother who was an excellent cook.

Thank you, Linda for the lovely vintage tin pitcher in the background.I love it and it will probably keep showing up in photos.

I hope you get to spend some time in the country on these beautiful late summer days.

Thank you for visiting,



  1. i think it's kind of funny and ironic that we spend so much time and money on our gardens and one of the loveliest flowers one can find is free and grows almost anywhere. don't you just love queen anne's lace? carolyn, i never tire of your gorgeous photos of your home and gardens. i check your blog almost every morning for my daily dose of beauty.

  2. A bucket of blackberries, queen anne's lace and purple clover.... I am so nostalgic now for the fruits and flora of my childhood. I brought many of these home myself in my youth.

  3. Sei bravissima a farti venire idee per le tue foto!Dolcissima,quella di oggi!Rosetta

  4. Walking the woods in the Fall brings back memories with my Mother and children when they were small.. nothing sweeter than a little child picking wild flowers.. nice post!

  5. A romantic and lazy environment.

    Have a nice day, Sylvia

  6. Oh my such lovliness!
    Love that you love everything in nature..and those walks sound heavenly!
    Your images are wonderful and heart warming.
    Oh that special. Im sure there are lots of goodies in there!!
    Have a wonderful day!!!

    Deborah xoxo

  7. So pretty! I would love to find some blackberries, so sweet and delicious!
    Hugs, Cindy

  8. HI Carolyn! Oh, this is just beautiful! It's beginning to cool down slowly here and I'm so ready.
    Always you have the most gorgeous snaps, Carolyn, and I hope you're doing well.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  9. Sweet, Carolyn, sweet array of photos with some of my favorite things! Vintage children, books, wildflowers, and fresh picked berries! Oh! And, lest we forget the hat - right there on the top of my favorite things, to be sure!!

    Lovely and restful post - with blessing, too!

    Miss Kathy

  10. Loved all your vignettes, Carolyn. Just like looking at a Victoria magazine, but even better! Keep up the work making the world more beautiful. Susan from

  11. I loved to play "in the weeds" as a child. This brings back memories...

  12. Dear Carolyn

    Your woodland walk sounds beautiful. It made me realise it is some time ago since we had such a walk. You picked some lovely wild flowers! Good luck with the baking!

    Lieve groet, Madelief x

  13. So lovely and lyrical today! And yes, unusual to see wildflowers here!

  14. Beautiful. I love the wild flowers throughout the woods and meadows. I use them about as much as I use those from my gardens.

    Queen Anne's lace always brings a small to my face . I picture my kids and later the grandkids bring me hands full to put into colored water so they could see the color change. We always had it setting around the house.


  15. Oh carolyn! Love the atmosphere of your pictures, the little story it tells with the nostalgic and tender time of september.
    ✿◕ ‿ ◕✿

  16. I always remember the scene where Diane put "the last of the Queen Anne's Lace" in Anne's hair to cheer her up! I only have 1 blooming plant this year but there are new plants for next year everywhere! I know it reseeds but doesn't bloom till year 2 so I thought that might happen. Your post is perfectly delightful!

  17. Hi Carolyn
    I love to bring wildflowers in for small bouquets too. Wishing there were blackberries to pick like you have though!
    Don't you just love this time of year? It's my favourite for temperature, colour and the smell in the air.

  18. Hi Carolyn,

    I have a hard time keeping up with your ever so stunning posts! Love the "Country Days" theme. Those flowers are exactly what I would find on a Swedish meadow. And the tin bucket reminds me of our "Kockums" version. Very popular and sought after.

    I have just bought a blackberry bush to plant. I hope to harvest many delicious berries in the future.

    Have good day,

  19. Oooh, Carolyn!

    What a beautiful post!!! I just love the setting that you've created.

    You are, m'dear, a genius when it comes to styling and photography! These photos certainly evoke a feeling of nostalgia and goodness - and a craving for blackberries! And, to think they grow wild so near to you! It makes my heart go pitter patter. I was just as excited to see this post as I am to get a new issue of 'Victoria'...Keep 'em coming! No pressure! He He

    And I am just thrilled that you love the vintage tin photo!!! As soon as I saw it, I just knew it had to come with me to PEI in my suitcase. I just thought it was 'you'...

    Thank you for the gift of this post, my friend. Truly beautiful...


  20. Beautiful vignettes, as usual, Carolyn! Sounds like your summer has been spectacular up there! These late summer days are always so special - and the skies so blue! September is one of my fav months, for sure... :)

    xoxo laurie

  21. Beautiful vignettes. It looks like you had a serene and tranquil time on your walk. Beautiful photography. Thoroughly enjoy your images.



  22. Have a fabulous time with your daughters, Carolyn. Your garden looks glorious, no matter what the season. Take care.Susan


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
