Monday, September 26, 2011

Autumn Porch

Hello everyone,
    I hope you had a lovely weekend. I really enjoyed my 70 mile yard sale on Saturday although the weather was overcast with a bit of drizzle. I did get a few things I was happy to find and there were lots of yardsales and lots of people out looking to buy.It is always a nice drive and we enjoyed going for lunch at Windows on the Water.again this year.I will be showing what I bought later.
 I wanted to show you the changes I made on the screened porch to better reflect the autumn season. The beautiful old door is one we have had for awhile but the curtains are a recent thrift shop find. There was something about them that I couldn't resist and at just a few dollars I thought I find a use for them somewhere.
The shutters are still behind the curtains so we are protected from wind and rain.

The mat on the floor was one of my finds yesterday. I liked the gold and rusty colors in it for a cozy autumn look.

I love this angel statue that came home from North Carolina in my carry on bag several years ago.

The hydrangeas are starting to turn their fall colors too.
I spent a very enjoyable sunny Sunday afternoon lounging on this old bed with a book yesterday. I am loving all the beautiful weather we have had this September.
I love this Romamunde Pilcher book September-have you read it? I also love my little dutch windmill birdhouse.
This is the summer look for the veranda.
Just by making a few changes in linens etc. it gives the porch a whole different look.We are still eating out here nearly everyday and hope to do so for awhile yet as the weather is looking good all week and lots of years we get beautiful weather in October as well.

I am joining BNOTP for Metamorphosis Monday and also the house in the roses for Show Off your Cottage Monday.

Thank you for visiting,



  1. Bellissimi colori caldi e romantici!Creano un'atmosfera intima che fa sognare!Buon autunno Carolyne!

  2. Gorgeous and romantic! You would never get me out of that bed, it's just so delicious and cozy! I love your new autumn look and you're porch is adorable! Can't wait to see all your new finds my friend. Lots of hugs. FABBY

  3. I LOVE your new fall look - of course, I love your summer look too!

  4. Love the new changes on your porch. And I love Rosamunde Pilcher books. Will have to read " September."

  5. Your porch looks so cozy and beautiful....I can picture taking a nice afternoon nap out there.

  6. L'autunno ci regala dei colori bellissimi e tu li hai saputi catturare tutti.... la tua veranda è stupenda in tutte le stagioni.
    Ciao Monica

  7. It's beautiful! I absolutely love the colors.

  8. Fabulous fall changes. I love the warmth of the colors, what treasures you've put together. hugs ~lynne~

  9. What an amazing change! Just fantastic...I love the richness of the fabric and the door is great. Pretty, pretty.

  10. Wow!das sind ja meinen Farben!Ich liebe es...Schön ist der Herbst nicht wahr?Bussi.Lu.

  11. What a difference your changes made! Looks very pretty and autumnish! Read September last year and really liked it! I just love books that concentrate on character studies as much as they do on the plot. Bess

  12. I want to go to sleep there! A dreamy place!

  13. Beautiful. Just love the colors of fall. It is totally amazing how just a few changes in linens and flowers can change the whole seasonal look in a room.


  14. Hi Carolyn,
    I love your summer porch but the autumn look is pretty too. I am not a big fan of orange but I do really like your curtains. Very warm and cozy feeling.
    We got down to the 70 mile yard sale too. You must have gotten there before I did. I didn't see a whole lot but I did manage to come home with a few things. Great weather we're having!


  15. What a delightful porch look for fall weather. So cozy and warm
    Hope you have a wonderful season on the porch!

  16. Wow, what a change! I love the fall colours in your porch and I don't remember seeing you use these colours before. It looks very cozy. I hope this weather lasts as it's quite spectacular for late September! Have a great week! Pamela

  17. Howdy, Carolyn!

    What a job you've done of autumn on your porch! LOVE IT. I will return to this post again and again as the colours are completely awesome. I feel as though I'm on the porch in that beautiful sunlight shining through the curtains. What a find in those! How do you do it?! You are either always in the right place at the right time, or you can see the potential in things most others cannot...Thanks for this cheery post.


    P.S. The wreath and garland are remarkable, too!

    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  18. Wonderful! So seasonal, warm and inviting. Thanks for sharing. Makes me want to sit down with a cup of tea and just gaze at the world with a big sigh!

  19. Hi Carolyn
    Your porch looks nice in its autumn colours.
    I find even changing a few items can help change and freshen a room for a new season.

  20. Carolyn it amazes me how you transform your space with such charm and taste so pleasing to the eye and certainly a comfortable santuary!Love all that you share!

  21. Hello Dear Carolyn...Oh, I love it, love it, love it. The curtains were a great deal. Everything looks so nice, homey, cozy, and autumny! (Is there such a word?)

    Great job! That little angel statue would definitely have gone home with me, too. I LOVE your statuary, all through the house and gardens! Susan

  22. I usually don't like autumn colors but with some of the salmon and pink colors added I love it! Thanks for sharing this.

  23. Hola Carolyn, I soooo love your porch at every season, you make such wonderful transformations!!!... and your garden has given me lots of joy!!!
    hugs dear

  24. What a wonderful warm mix of fabrics you have going here! Just beautiful! And perfect for fall!

  25. I love the Autumnal changes in the sun room! There is just something so warm and wonderful about oranges and rusts at this time of year. I cannot resist them at all, they are popping up everywhere in my house and I love them all.
    I'm glad to hear that your weather has been nice.
    It was 24* here in Manitoba today. I was up at Lake Winnipeg for the day and it was gorgeous!!!
    Hugs, Cindy

  26. Very pretty! Love all the fall colors. It looks so inviting. I am sure I would want to take a nap out there. :)

  27. Wow what wonderful pictures and gives a person a nice glow just looking at them

  28. What a fantastic mix of colors!Very cozy and warm!Beautiful! Have a nice day Carolyn!

  29. Dear Carolyn,
    what great photos.
    I can not get enough of them and the colors.
    The fall is one of my favorite time.
    Nature has to offer in this time a great deal.
    I wish you a great week and enjoy the golden autumn time.
    Love, Moni

  30. wonderful! It seems like you have a totally new room!!!


  31. What an amazing transformation to your porch!

  32. A few changes can go a long waaay! Everything you create is just stunning!

  33. Hi Carolyn,

    Your porch looks great! The colours look beautifully together and give a real autumn feel.

    I read September a long time ago and liked it very much. However, my favourite Rosmanunde Pilcher book is Winter Solstice. I always enjoy reading it around Christmas time, to capture the Christmas spirit!

    Have a lovely day,

    Madelief x

  34. HI Carolyn! Isn't is amazing how fast the seasons change? Everything looks so pretty and colorful! Fall looks good on your lovely home in Canada! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  35. Wow! What an amazing change. I looks beautiful and inviting.

  36. Stunning, Carolyn. Utterly stunning! I could live out there and be perfectly happy.....hehe!

    xoxo laurie

  37. Oh Carolyn, it is beautiful all arrayed in it's Autumn glory! I LOVE the mat on the floor that you found over the weekend. In any season, your porch is always so lovely.
    hugs from here...

  38. Thanks to writte on my blog
    Your garden and home are so wonderfull ....
    Have a good day


  40. Che bello il tuo Autunno,con questi colori caldi,tutto coordinato perfettamente come sempre.Buon pomeriggio Imma...

  41. Love the porch!!! So beautiful, thanks for sharing, Laura from Cottage and Broome


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
