Wednesday, August 10, 2011

White Wednesday

Hello Everyone,
   It is another cloudy damp day here today but inside it is cozy and dry so when I think of all the troubled areas around the world I will not complain.
 Anyway,as I was thinking of what to post today I decided it would be a good day for White Wednesday so I gathered some of my whites together to share with Kathleen at Faded Charm.
   The photo above is one of my favorite shot of the dining area of our kitchen-I love that sunshine coming in through the bay window!
A corner in our sunroom.
Astrantria in our garden-taken yesterday.
One of my favorite teapots that came from Winner's a few years ago. It has no markings on the bottom but I am pretty sure the box said it was made in England.
A lacy linen laundry day.
Some of my favorite whites.
I love this shot of our garden taken last month.
We had a day at the beach a couple of weeks ago.The first good beach day that we are free- I am heading back to the beach, as now that we are into August I realize I have to grab those days when we can.We have so many beautiful beaches close by and I love that we can still find beaches that we have all to ourselves.
This photo of the viburnum snowballs was also taken weeks ago.I am excited to be going to a photography boot camp from Holland Collage next week with my sister-in law.It should be an interesting day and I hope to  get a few good tips.

 Thank you Kathleen at Faded Charm for hosting White Wednesday.

I hope you have a lovely day!



  1. What gorgeous pictures you take! I am in total love with your dining room!


  2. They are all beautiful photos. . .
    Can't really pick a favorite, love
    them all!
    Have fun at 'boot camp' we will be
    watching to see what you learned.


  3. I love your beach photos and where did you find that umbrella with the white sheer going around it?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi Lisa,
    Thanks for visiting today.The umbrella is separate from the netting.
    The tent netting came from a thrift shop in New England a few years ago- a nice find!

    Take care,


  6. It is so green there and beautiful. We are burning up this summer. It was so nice to get to visit your post.

  7. Hi Lisa,

    What beautiful images. I especially like you laundry hanging outside. Nothing can beat the fresh airy scent of laundry dried outside. I am from Europe so it surprises me when I see laundry drying in the Summer wind.

    All my best Heidi

  8. Hello, Carolyn! Oh, everything is so charming and sweet and summery. I love the linens on the line and of course the photos of you on the beach. Just a wonderful escape.

    We are also having many cloudy days this summer. But as you say, we are not complaining.

    Hope all is well and thank you again for all this loveliness! – g

  9. Your pictures are beautiful!!!

    Love your dining room!!
    Enjoy your day!!!
    Suzann ~xoxo~

  10. Oh my, everything is so beautiful. I want to spend an afternoon on that beach.

  11. I'm drooling over all the beautiful whites! I had to take a second look at your bloom (astrantia?) because, at first, it looked like a round rhinestone pin (vintage of course)... wow!

  12. These have to be amongst my favorite photos of your home! From the beautiful dining room to your beautiful sandals, you look like a true lady!

    Amy Jo

  13. I loved your table with white chairs. What a wonderful feeling.
    I like to change my kitchen ...

  14. Fantastic photos as always, Carolyn. Gorgeous.

    Hugs Bente

  15. Beautiful photos! I love the lacey linens on the line. Have fun at photography camp next week!

  16. It look so romantic and beautiful at the beach. Like all the films from Avonlea. :)

  17. Gorgeous shot of the dining table! And I love those lacy linens on the line. So relaxing to visit here, Aloha Ral

  18. Beautifull pictures. Romantic & Shabby. You took the right light for the photos.

    Have a nice day,

  19. Stunning photos - especially those at the beach

  20. So lovely Carolyn. My favourite is the umbrella on the beach. Aaah. V

  21. I was just reading an article on viburnum in Country Garden. Everything here - lovely!

  22. Hi Carolyn,
    Your dinning room is so pretty and soft, very inviting indeed.
    Your photo's are always so crisp and clear, I can just feel myself there..
    The photography boot camp class will be so much fun for you and getting spend time with your sister in Law will be the sugar on top.. enjoy I know you will!
    big hugs, Elizabeth

  23. Gorgeous whites in your post today dear Carolyn. You know how much I love whites and these are all stunning shots.
    hugs from here...

  24. Hi Carolyn,
    Lovin all the lacy whites in the home and garden! I have Astrantria and never knew it's name, thanks!!
    Enjoy boot camp, what fun!

  25. Yummy! beautiful as usual, and I've noticed the apricoty thongs! my goodness the seasons come and go so very quickly - but your photography captures the days in the year perfectly! Terryx

  26. Your white garden is simply beautiful as well as the dining room.... very ncie!

  27. Your photos are so lovely, Carolyn. Always a treat to visit you.


  28. Dear Carolyn,

    Once again a beautiful post! It's always a joy to visit here. Your tablecloths on the washing line look really pretty. The scene's taken from the beach too. So romantic!

    Have a lovely weekend! We are off to visit some family in the south of our country.

    A card for your mother is on it's way. I hope it will arrive soon!

    Lieve groet, Madelief x

  29. The pictures on your blog are such a delight to watch :)


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
