Sunday, February 6, 2011

Feeling Blue

Hello everyone,
      How was your weekend? We had a storm today that gave us about 25 cm of new snow. Now I am thinking we have enough already but the forecast is for more on Tuesday.
 Since it was a storm day(our church was cancelled) and I was indoors for all but my daily walk,  I continued to play on Picasa(  obsessed, maybe) and I made more of the square matted photos to share.

These are photos I took in the last couple of years and look nothing like the white world around me today.
Let me think how long is it before I can go on a summer picnic again? Oh,never mind it is too far to count!

These photos were all taken a few miles from our home on a beautiful July day!

A beautiful blue bearded iris with raindrops.
My peonies in a blue vase.

Now, I hope I haven't left you feeling blue and don't worry I will soon be over my obsession and will have moved on to another one!

Take care,



  1. Hi Carolyn! More gorgeousness and I do remember some of these snaps! Your blue and white dishes are so lovely and I do love blueberries. I made some muffins last week with some fresh blueberries. Stay warm.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. You did not make me blue, I so enjoyed looking at your photos. Beautiful Carolyn. Love the blue iris with the raindrops. I also have enough snow, so pretty on the trees, hate to keep shovelling it. Take care:)

  3. Even with all the snow and cold your post did not leave me feeling blue. It is so pretty. I love those pictures of the lawn chair and the water. We got about 30 cm. from that storm and more to come on Tuesday I hear. I'll try to think pretty summer blue thoughts with flowers and water and lawn chairs....Pamela

  4. It must have been bad today if church was cancelled. Just think Carolyn, when all this snow is gone and we're out in our gardens, we won't have time to blog. :-)
    We're to get more snow too and the sides of the driveway are already high.

  5. I just love the blue pics. Can't wait for Spring. I was just thinking about adding blueberries to my diet too.


  6. Anytime you feel blue, Carolyn, please share it with us. Refreshing and therapeutic. Susan

  7. Darling photos! I myself love some color.~Cheers Kim

  8. We are above average with our winter precipitation and have had days on end of ice and snow. Your beautiful blue pictures were eye candy that brightened my day. Maybe now I will have sweet dreams of waterside picnics and spring!

  9. Gorgeous photos Carolyn!!
    Spring will be here before you know it!!
    Pamela :)

  10. How lovely to see such summery photos. I'd love to sit at that table looking out over the water just relaxing with a cold drink. I love the parasol too.

  11. De si jolis bleus pour oublier l'hiver et la neige ! Ces photos sont très belles...

  12. Hallo Carolyn,
    wie wunderschön deinen bilder wieder,ein Traum.Bussi.Luciene.

  13. Beautiful as always! Longing for spring and warmer days.

  14. While we haven't had an entire winter of brutal cold and storm, we have had an abnormally cold winter since early December and a week of ice when we were all hold up inside. Yesterday was beautiful and in the 40s and when leaving for church I ran into my neighbors who were taking a walk. It was funny as we both remarked how happy we were to feel like we were finally coming out of hibernation!! When the cold weather keeps coming, it is so hard to imagine that spring is just around the corner. Love the summer pictures.

  15. I love your obsessions. And this one in my favorite color too!!! The blue china and blueberries just makes me happy!!
    blessings to you as you enjoy playing;)

  16. your photos are absolutely scrumptious!!! I live in New England, and your photos of summer are a welcome respite.

  17. I understand the feeling..we have snow but not as much as you. what got me was another blogger talking about mowing the grass!! Oh i could even smell it!

  18. All the blue is so pretty! Nice job. Enjoy your snow, if you can...

  19. I just wish it was summer when I see theese photos. Instead of the dirty, old snow that is laying all over, lol.
    Hope you have a nice day.
    Love Elzie

  20. Carolyn, it's so appropriate that you are experimenting with "matting" your photos because they are absolutely works of art! You have such a talented "eye"! I'd love to hang that iris on my wall! Bess

  21. If it makes you feel any better, it's not just you. No snow where I live (for now), but this winter seems like it's dragged on far worse than normal. I think most of us will be thrilled for the better days. Well, until they get here. Then we'll complain about the heat and humidity!

  22. Beautiful photos Carolyn. Same here so much snow we can hardly see enough to get out of our driveway...sigh Enough already,I'm more than ready for spring.


  23. Hi Carolyn
    The photos are stunning ~ I remember them from summer.
    I saw some of Anne of GG on TV yesterday and thought of your lovely home:-)
    Have a wonderful day!

  24. I love the blue pictures,gorgeous.
    Stay warm!

  25. I can almost smell those peonies! Wishful thinking for Spring, to be sure.

  26. I am happy for the snow that you got and your new obsession. Keep playing my friend. The pictures were just beautiful.

  27. Oh, how I long to get out in my garden. Thanks for sharing the sunshine with us! I love the bearded iris. So pretty.
    Hugs to you,

  28. I can see why you are feeling blue - I felt the same way on Saturday when it snowed all day long but seeing all these lovely framed pictures has cheered me up. Thanks for sharing them with us. I love the photo of the lawn chair. that's where I'd like to be relaxing and reading a good book.

  29. Ahhhh......wishing I could jump into those pictures and melt under those gorgeous cloudy blue skies....bliss. Thanks for the little trip into heaven!

  30. Carolyn, you always brighten our days. All we have to do is close our eyes and imagine ourselves in your beautiful images.

  31. Hi Carolyn, I love your pictures so much. I want to live in your beautiful photos. :-) Thank you for sharing your talent.


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
