Saturday, February 26, 2011

All the Colors of the Rainbow!

Hello everyone,
     How is your weekend going? We did get the snow storm that was predicted so everyone here had some digging out to do today. The annual community tea party that I planned to attend morning had to be postponed as well as many other events. The snow plows are being kept busy this year keeping our Island roads open.
 Anyway, since I was home I did some garden planning and then enjoyed viewing some of my garden photos from previous years. So, I made some collages for you again- I hope I didn't hear you groan!

orange-well, actually peach
Yellow (sort of)
While I may be dreaming of spring this is my reality! We have more snow then we have had for several years and I hate to say it, but winter is not over yet- we can still get a lot of snow in March at the rate things are going. There is no frost in the ground though so when it starts to melt it can go fairly quickly.....maybe!
 Now, if you southern bloggers(or European) have flowers blooming in your garden could you please hold off on posting them for awhile yet? It's not easy for me being green(with envy)! Actually, I love seeing your gardens and I know spring will come here sooner or later and you never know what ideas I can steal from seeing yours!
So, do you have a favorite color of the rainbow?

Enjoy the rest of your weekend,



  1. NO! I did not groan, Carolyn, I GASPED! Didn't you hear it, just over the border and across the sea a little? We got a foot of snow and our piles look very similar to yours (but we have a wicked frost in our ground!!! I hope the bulbs are okay!)

    Really, really, really - I know that you understand - this post did my heart good!

    Love, Katy Noelle

  2. I should have said, we got a foot of snow, YESTERDAY, too, on top of what we already have.

  3. Your photo's are breathtaking , simply dreamy! Christie

  4. Carolyn ~ your photos warm my heart. We have more snow too and I am sooo dreaming of spring and the beautiful flowers in your pics. LOVE your post ~ no groan from me THANK YOU ~ spring is coming ;-)

  5. Beautiful beyond words! I could sit and look at them all day! Love my visits here always!

  6. I understand completely, Carolyn. We've had more snow this year than the past several years....this is incredible. I'm so sick of snow. Wish it would just go AWAY. And it's only the end of February. Oh Lord. Wehave to be patient. What else can we do? Susan

  7. Oh my goodness, Carolyn! I couldn't believe the height of those snowbanks! I thought we had it bad here in Michigan. I won't whine again this season. lol! And we always welcome your beautiful flower collages. They are so worthy of being in a magazine, and certainly help us all get through these last weeks of a cold, brutal winter.

    xoxo laurie

  8. Carolyn, I'm amazed to see this kind of snow. I don't think I could survive in this climate. ;-)
    My garden has little color as Old Man Winter visited here as well and left a mess behind. The garden is cleaned, and I'm not thinking about planting some spring color. I stopped by the garden center today and was amazed that they had a full inventory of annuals ready to plant. I think it might be pushing it even here though I did pick up a few geraniums to replace the ones I lost at the front door.
    Stay warm and cozy. You may have the heavy snow, but your spring garden is glorious. ~ sarah

  9. Carolyn,
    I feel the same way..Spring is so far away from us that the others will be celebrating summer and we will just be starting spring..But, that's okay as I just can't wait for my lovely supply of Lilacs to bloom. We have snow coming late this night and more tomorrow. I cant even see any of our grass..

  10. Oh, Carolyn,
    I do so enjoy each and every post. Your collage photos of today are absolutely divine. I have gone over them several times and, as usual, enjoy them immensely.

    Please continue t post the lovliness of flowers and the comforts of home---you do it so well.

    You bless me today.

    In Grace,

  11. Carolyn, I know that you must be tired of the snow, but it is quite beautiful... still a fairy winter wonderland. I admit being down here in the south, we do get spring fever this time of year. But take heart ... your spring will be just as glorious as your magnificent winter.

  12. Hello Carolyn,
    Your collages are so sweet ! I'm visiting your blog every morning and it makes me happy for the whole day. Thank you.
    Greetings from Belgium !

  13. Hi Carolyn
    That was a LOT of snow...
    Here in Malevik we have SPRING,,,
    Soon it will come to you :)
    I say it again......your Blog is the most beautiful ever.....

  14. Oh, poor Carolyn! That's really to much of snow. But as I can see you found something wonderful to do. Great collages you made! I especially love the creamy ones. But my favorite color in the rainbow are blue, rosé and green of course.
    Have a warm and cozy Sunday

  15. I'm breathtaking,too... your photoes are so beautiful... Spring, where are you?

  16. Hello Carolyn! I just got to watch your old photos. I also have a great desire to spring and its flowers. I live in Pescara, a seaside city in central Italy, about 80 km from L'Aquila, where there was an earthquake two years ago. Also from us, time is very bad. Yesterday morning it was snowing, then thankfully stopped, but so cold. I love winter and snow, but this year the spring is taking time too and I begin to feel the nostalgia. Kisses Gilda

  17. O my what a snow yet !!! i will send spring to you darling as soon as possible i promise !!...have a nice love

  18. Beautiful!! I love your pictures!! Found you at Franciskas, looking forward to see your pictures in the book!! :-) Hugs from Norway ;-)

  19. Hello Carolyn,

    I agree with Hakan. Your blog is the most beautiful that I ever visited and the photos breathtaking. Just somptuous !

  20. It seems you also have a lovely garden of "followers", my friend! Everything ou touch turns to gold!

  21. That was just a gorgeous parade of colors and hues! Your photography is so wonderful to see!~Hugs, Patti

  22. Dear Carolyn, How could anyone groan??? Sighs of delight are all you can hear from me. You always take us into an enchanted perfect world of beauty and charm. A healing elixir from the real worries of our troubled world. Beautiful rainbow colors and you hold the pot of gold within your imagination and talent. I should love to walk into your greens and sit in one of those lovely and comfortable chairs. Oh well, the end of March is not so far away is it? It is snowing here! Visiting you is always an uplifting joy!!

  23. All your collages are beautiful! I especially love the green garden accessories. Amazing snow!

  24. Oh, Carolyn! This post was sheer joy! I love each and every mosic. Your images are incredibly beautiful!

  25. Dear Carolyn,

    You have so much snow!! It looks beautiful! We have had a rainy weekend. We planned to work in the garden, but could hardly do anything. Hope you had a lovely weekend?!

    Lieve groet & happy new week, Madelief

  26. Your photos always take my breath away..I use pictures taken in my own home and yard [ I call YARDEN ]
    AND WAY DOWN IN SOUTH CENTRAL ALABAMA,usa..I am impatient for the weather to cooperate so we can get started working the flower beds..shame on me.
    I asked my husband just now to come look at your blog as I opened it up..He said "She must have a really good camera." I replied: and I think she has GARDENERS!! We work w what we have and I have been so thrilled to discover that I can put together my blog with my own pictures..I repeat: "You just amaze and delight me with what you share with us!"

  27. So lovely, Carolyn. It seems each post is even lovelier than the last, if that were possible! I'm grateful we don't have your snow ... I don't think I could cope! :o) Bess

  28. Stunning photo collages, Ilove visiting your blog and seeing all your flowers and garden. Hope the snow clears soon for you.

  29. So much snow but so much beauty soon to come your way. All of your pictures are beautiful. Your blog puts a smile on my face! Thanks for sharing.

    The Gilded Cherub

  30. That first photo with all the pinks and purples is just gorgeous. Weather here is grey and damp, even though the plants and bulbs are growing it isn't very cheerful looking at the moment.

  31. Of course I love this pink post the most! I am always amazed at your wonderful photos and the perfection of the flowers. What a treat for all of us to enjoy I am late seeing Pink Saturday but I sure do enjoy your blog.

  32. Good morning Carolyn,
    Oh my, your photos are so beautiful! I love each and every one and I couldn't choose a favourite although I would love to be sitting in one of those green wicker chairs about now!
    More snow this evening, so they're saying. I guess we'll see the green grass eventually.
    Your pink post was scrumptious as well! Thank you for lighting up our days with your beautiful photography.


  33. Your mosaics are so beautiful. They bring smiles to all of us and hope for the seasons of spring and summer. I looked through last years pictures while ordering some prints and couldn't help but smile. We're in different provinces but thinking similar thoughts.

  34. Darling Carolyn, did you try to kill me??! I was 3 minutes breathless when I saw your fantastic, marvelous images!!
    Each time I see your stunning garden and flowers my heart feels good.
    Thank you so much.
    Have a good day

  35. I feel for you....we have soooo uch snow here in the south eastern part of Idaho....;o)
    Thinking warmer thoughts for you....:o)

  36. Love all your beautiful photos.

    Can't wait till Spring either.


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
