Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tea Time Tuesday

Come in and have a cup of tea, as there are a couple of tea parties today.

I made a little heart for you, and I have some pretty pink tulips for you to enjoy.

Here is a cozy little corner, for you to curl up with a book, and a cup of tea.

Now, for more tea parties join Sandi at Rose Chintz Cottage Inspirations and Rhondi at Rose Colored Glasses for some lovely teas!

Thank you for visiting,



Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Good afternoon Carolyn,
What a yummy post! Such a delicate shade of pink on your teacup; beautiful! Lovely tulips and a wonderful spot for tea too! Thank you for sharing today and participating in my Tea Time. I have added your link to my post. Have a beautiful day.


Rhondi said...

Hi Carolyn
I am always happy to have a cup of tea and enjoy your beautiful home. Thanks for joining the party!
Hugs, Rhondi

Terri said...

This is my first time visiting your blog. It is just beautiful!
I came by way of someone visiting my blog for Tea Cup Tuesday and telling me about Tea Time Tuesday, and so here I am!
Your photos are so beautiful and romantic.
I saw that you have lilacs in the spring there. They are my favorite flower of all.
Thank you for sharing.

Susan said...

Ohhhh, Carolyn. You create such beautiful spaces in your home. I just LOOOOOOVVVVVEEEE looking at your blog. Sincerely, Susan from writingstraightfromtheheart.blogspot.com

Lady Katherine said...

I just love your Tea, the chase lounge, the tulips, and tea cup and book make a perfect place for such a lovely Tea Time Tuesday. A great day for curling up as it rains! Just love it.

Laurie said...

Today would be a good day to curl up in this little corner, Carolyn, as it is chilly again here in Montana, a reminder that spring is not yet here, but I know it will soon come. Thank you for this tranquil retreat.

Old Time Cindy said...

Your blog is such a pleasure to visit. Your photos are breathtaking!
Cindy at Lakewood

Anonymous said...

Hi carolyn, i would love to curl up in that beautiful little corner with a cup of tea!! It looks so cozy....Kathy

Marie said...

Oh thank you for sharing a cup of tea Carolyn. I always enjoy visiting and having tea while looking at your beautiful posts!

Jocelyn said...

What a beautiful spot to enjoy a cup of tea. Very inviting.


Crystal Rose Cottage said...

Carolyn....What a cozy spot to have a tea! I would love to be there!~Patti

Nancy's Daily Dish said...

Oh, this does look so cozy and feminine. I am admiring the pillows on the bed. I'm not wearing my glasses but I think the one in front is needlepoint...it's beautiful regardless....and those tulips...oh how we're all longing for Spring. Lovely!

Charo said...

Lot of relax in that cozy corner.

June said...

Carolyn your tulips are truly a sight for these eyes today. The pretty heart that you have made is so pretty. I can't belisve that you have been stitching hearts too. I sewed up five yesterday. Isn't that off that we both have been crafting hearts? I have had them cut out for some time, but never found the time to sew them up. I love how you just get in and get things done. I hem and haw and start other projects in the midst of unfinished ones.
Your post yesterday is gorgeous. Your pictures are always the most beautiful things and they help me get through this fallow time.

GardenOfDaisies said...

What a cozy corner! Perfect for reading and drinking tea! I love the soft rose pink of the cup.

Ldy ~~ Dy said...

Carolyn...some really lovely tulips!! What a great place to put one's feet... of course in cozy socks.. and enjoy a quiet cup of tea.

Angel-Smile said...

Dear Carolyn,
oh, I would like to come to you! What a beautiful arrangement.
I love your blog:-)))

Andi's English Attic said...

The tulips are so beautiful. So is the lace, and the hearts and...everything. xx

podso said...

I'm enjoying the pink that is accenting these photos.

Barbara said...

Love your relaxing corner. I might want to curl up and sleep and forget the book!

Naturegirl said...

Carolyn so girly so charming so relaxing..lovely!

Paula said...

Dear Carolyn,

I love the sweet heart you made and the teacup and saucer is so pretty! Pink is my favorite color. The Tulips are lovely, and the cozy corner looks like a most wonderful spot to have tea and read a good book! Thank you for sharing your beautiful home!
Love, Paula