Monday, March 8, 2010

Longing for Color!

I hope you enjoyed your weekend. We had some lovely sunny weather with a definite hint of spring in the air. A little walk around the garden reveled some signs of beauty to come. A few tulips,daffodils and peony tips are poking up. So, I am longing for color and I bet you are too. So, I am sharing some mosaics from photos of our garden last year.

Some roses in our garden

I love these moody blues!

Some lilacs in our garden last year- can't wait for their return!

Well, it is mosaic Monday at Mary's lovely Little Red House so I am joining in again. There are hundreds of lovely mosaics to check out so have fun!

Thank you for visiting,



  1. Yeah Color! Beautiful mosaics and gardens! My favorite are the lilacs. Bella

  2. Gorgeous mosaics, Carolyn. And I always mean to tell you that I love the singers from O Brother Where Art Thou? That was one of my all-time favorite movies and musical scores. Just played it in the car tonight, as a matter of fact. Take care, Carolyn. Sincerely, Susan from

  3. Beautiful flowers Carolyn. By looking at them I'm hoping my own will be showing themselves soon too.

  4. The weather here today was delightful! Spring is definitely in the air!

    I love your lilac mosaic! I can almost smell them!

  5. The geraniums, lupines, and lilacs remind me of home. You have a ton of gorgeous roses...I'm quite jealous.

    Christine in Alaska

  6. Beautiful, beautiful flowers in your mosaics Carolyn. A little more time and I am sure your garden will look colourful again.

  7. Morning Carolyn

    Thre always seems to be colour in your garden and house. The flowers and mosaics are beautiful.Jackie in UK

  8. Hello Carolyn,
    so beautiful flowers! - I like to have too, but by us it has snow and is very cold, so no flowers come out.
    I love these lilac flowers, they smell......:-)))
    Hugs Brigitte

  9. Wow, you must have an amazing garden-I have never seen so many beautiful flowers! Gorgeous mosaic too.

    Best wishes,

  10. Lovely, Carolyn! Have a nice day.


  11. It's so hard to pick favorite flowers isn't it? Like a child asking a mother who do you love best? I love them all.

    Your gardens are stunning. Your home beautiful. I could spend hours looking through your blog.

    I have huge perennial gardens also and cannot wait for the arrival of blooms, bees, butterflies and hummingbirds.

    I took my readers to the international Philadelphia Flower show via video. Turn your volume up and join me.

  12. Absolutely gorgeous flowers!! Your gardens must be absolutely breathtaking from spring to fall :-)

    Happy spring!!


  13. I can hardly wait for some colour too - only a few daffodil and tulips shoots - and a brave crocus or two so far :)

  14. Your mosaics are lovely! The color is amazing. I love favorite flowers. Mine are starting to bloom. I can't wait to smell their fragrance. :o)

  15. Your photographs and mosaics are so beautiful, I can almost smell the flowers! :)
    Wishing you a lovely week, Carolyn!

  16. Glorious! Thanks for sharing such stunning photographs!

  17. I really love lilacs and am looking forward to those. Usually they are in bloom at Easter, but they may be later this year.

  18. Carolyn......Thank you for showing the lovely colors of your garden! My daffodils are about 4 inches up out of the ground now!~Patti

  19. Gorgeous collages. Those lupines are magnificent.

  20. The lupines are spectacular, but the lilacs always are perfume for my soul. Thanks for these lovely mosaics.

  21. Dear Carolyn,

    Your garden is breathtaking! Such beauty to behold. I love all of the color! So glad you are enjoying nice weather. Before you know it all will be in bloom again!

    Love, Paula


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
