Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Beautiful Garden Teas

I can hardly wait until we can enjoy our tea in the garden again.

Oh, and fresh picked strawberries with biscuits and whipped cream!

Lunch in the terrace sounds good too!

or a picnic under the mockorange tree-can't wait!!! I am hoping that March showers bring April flowers!
Today I am joining in with Rhondi, Sandi and Lady Katherine again for their Tuesday Teas- thank you for hosting.

What about you do you have a favorite spot for a garden tea ?

Thank you for visiting,
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  1. Good morning Carolyn,
    What a lovely post you have shared today! Your dreamy photos will soon be a reality once more. I'm looking forward to sipping tea outside and listening to the birds sing. Thank you for joining me again for Tea Time and I have added your link. Have a lovely day.


  2. Hi Carolyn
    You are the queen of tea parties. Your beautiful photos of summer tea parties are wonderful. Thanks for having us all over for tea today.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  3. Hello Carolyn...Loved all the photos....such idealic scenes! Have a great and peaceful day. Sincerely, Susan

  4. O what a lovely sunshine pictures....the sun is shining here the whole day !! i 'am just home from the shop....and openend the doors to our terrace ...it so lovely weather !! and than i read your post ...it makes me very happy !!

    Have a nice eve hugs from me.............by !

  5. Dear Carolyn,
    you make me dreaming of summer and beeing outside and flowers and....
    your photos are so much beautiful as always:-))
    have a nice day without rain
    greetings Brigitte


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
