Monday, February 22, 2010

Tea Time

It is a beautiful day here today and I am sharing a few more photos of my teapots with you again.

I slipped in a little bouquet of flowers for you too!

None of these teapots are expensive and some are thrift shop finds.

This pretty teapot came from a yardsale for less then $5.

This chintz teapot came with 6 cups and saucers and a cream and sugar bowl.

This is my newest-a Valentine gift from my husband. When he saw how many teapots were taken from cupboards and displays all over the house for photos, I got the impression he didn't think I needed it!

I couldn't leave without showing you a couple of collages.

Well, that is it for me today but Sandi (a fellow Islander) at Rose Chintz Cottage Inspirations is hosting Tea Time Tuesday again this week so pop in and enjoy. Another Island blogger that I know you will enjoy visiting is Kathie at A Sparrow's Home for another glimpse of life on Prince Edward Island.

My quote for Tea Time Tuesday is Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers for by doing so some have entertained angels unaware. Hebrew 13 : 2

Thank you for visiting me


Enjoy your day!



  1. Love your teapots. I have a weekness for them too.

  2. You have such a beautiful collection of teapots...makes me wish I liked tea so I would have an excuse to collect them!

  3. You have a lovely collection of teapots! The collages of the flowers and teapots are beautiful. Thank you for sharing them.

  4. Carolyn, it's such fun to see your different tea pots. Isn't it amazing that there can be so many different styles and shapes? I don't think about that often until I see several side by side. Your new one from your husband is lovey with that delicate ruffled edge around the top, but I think my favorite is the soft pink one with the round belly and the crown type top.
    Thanks for sharing these.

  5. Oh Carolyn, loved the tea pots. So pretty. Also, loved the singing from one of my very favorite movies, O Brother Where Art Thou. Thanks for your sweet posts. Sincerely, Susan from

  6. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, what else can I say. Of course you need them all, you put on such lovely tea parties when you have all of your guests from around the world looking through your wonderful gardens.
    ~Cindy S~

  7. Your collection is beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

  8. Hi Carolyn. You have the prettiest teapots and your displays are beautiful!
    Be a sweetie and hope you're keeping warm,
    Shelia ;)

  9. Oh, I just love a spot of have a beautiful collection and have given me an idea for a post! Thanks for sharing...;p

  10. Carolyn, I love the pink teapot and favorite!

  11. Very nice collection... looks so inviting...I alway injoy a cup of tea.

  12. Oh this was so enjoyable seeing your pretty teapots Carolyn. If I was going to collect anything it would probably be teapots... I find them to be irresistible.

    Have a Wonderful Evening*

  13. Hi Carolyn,
    I stopped by to say hello and decided to become a follower. I admire you for living in the same home for as many years as you have and making adjustments to it as your family grew. As a former realtor, I saw so many families move every couple of years looking for a better home instead of just making their current house the home of their dreams. Your home and blog are eye candy. Thanks for giving us a peek!
    Cindy at Lakewood

  14. OOh..these are all so lovely! I love the chintz is so sweet! Beautiful pictures as always..! I don't think you could ever have enough teapots..they are just so pretty to enjoy..all so unique..I collect them too..they are just so fun!
    Beautiful post!

  15. Hi Carolyn,
    Love your teapots! They are displayed so beautifully too. Thanks for joining me for tea today. I have added your link to my post. Have a lovely day.


  16. Carolyn....Once again...a very pretty post! I love the pink teapot with the pink teacup! Also the chintz one and well....I love them all!~Patti

  17. They are all so pretty, Carolyn!

  18. Such a lovely collection. Of course we always need more teapots. Husbands don't necessarily understand this type of thing.

  19. Hello Carolyn
    Always a pleasure joining you for tea.
    I love all the teapots in your collection and think you have one super hubby that would buy you another one.

  20. You teapots and cups are beautiful. It must feel good to have so much choice. You can use a different teapot and cup every day!! :-)

    Lieve groet, Madelief

  21. Those teapots -- and roses -- are beautiful.

  22. Carolyn your hubby may think you don't need them, but I'm sure he still loves getting them for you. They are all so pretty in the collage you did of them and the gorgeous blooms. They look just out of an old Victoria magazine.~sigh~

  23. Oh they are all so lovely. I am a collector of all things tea as well ;) My husband didn't think I needed all mine either, so I quietly walked him over to the garage and pointed to his collection of tools, of wich he has multiples of and he smiled and gave me a hug and said I think we are even ;)

  24. Carolyn,

    I could spend many hours just looking at your beautiful images. I adore the teapot your husband gave you for Valentines Day.


  25. Hi Carolyn
    I always love to visit you for a cup of tea! But I have a hard time trying to choose which of your beautiful teacups to use:)
    The Valentine teapot is gorgeous.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  26. Just beautiful! I collect teapots, as well, and love to display them all over the house. Your collection is lovely.


  27. If I had to choose out of all of Blogland all over the world for my chosen place to have tea, it would certainly be at your house, Carolyn!

  28. Dear Carolyn,

    Your teapots are beautiful!!! One can never have too many dishes. I love to collect them as well. Thank you for sharing your lovely collection and the beautiful flowers! Your photos are always so gorgeous! I love the teapot your dear husband gave you and your collages are so lovely and inspiring. Thank you for all that you share. I will be visiting the links you shared. I love that verse! Thank you for having me for 'tea!'

    Love, Paula

  29. I love your teapots. Very beautiful collection.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Warm greetings, Lennu

  30. I lov e that combination of cream and pink on the roses and then that touch of such tender green on the teapot.

  31. Lovely... and lovely gift from your hubby! I specially liked that sweet pink cup and saucer on your third pic... so pretty!

    Have a lovely day Carolyn...


  32. I love that verse. It always reminds me to be kind no matter what. Sometimes hard to do. And you can never have too many tea pots!

  33. Thanks for the tea!!! Delicious.


  34. Love your blog - your header - your teapots - the roses and baby's breath - just an awesome visual treat! Thanks for sharing these, Carolyn.


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
