Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A Tea Break

It is such a beautiful sunny day here.We did get several inches of snow overnight and schools are cancelled but the snow has stopped and the sun is shining . My house is tore apart here as we are doing a lot of painting but I am looking forward to the end result.

So in the middle of this I stopped for a little tea break.

I found this set of dishes at Coulson's a few years ago. I think it is so pretty.

I made an orange pumpkin loaf for our tea.

It is nice to have a tea break but my work is calling-I do have an extra paint brush if you are so inclined.

This is what our little part of the world looks like today. Do you see the bluejay who posed for me on the top of the birdhouse.

The bluejays look so pretty against the snow.

You can see we did get some snow lately. Today, Sandi at Rose Chintz Cottage Inspirations is hosting a tea. Sandi,is a fellow Islander and we used to play house together when we were children so you can see we both still enjoy our tea parties!So,pop over and say hi to Sandi (Click on Sandi) and join her for tea as well.

Take care,



  1. Good afternoon Carolyn,
    You are not too late for tea. What a wonderful display of teacups and china you have for us today! Great shot of Mr. Bluejay too.
    As beautiful as the snow is, I'm really anxious for Springtime to arrive. Thanks for stopping by and I have added your link to my post. Have a beautiful day.


  2. I really would love to join you for a wonderful cup of tea and a bite of the cake.
    Your snow photo is beautiful....stay warm.

  3. see my tea cup collection. myheartwithpleasurefills.blogspot.com

  4. It looks like you are having weather like us in West Virginia. Good luck on the painting.

    Beautiful tea set.


  5. Hello Carolyn

    Beautiful china and little cake. I popped over to your old school friends blog.

    The bluejay looks a great bird, that we don't have here in the UK as far as I know!!

    Jackie in UK

  6. Very beautiful... such an enchanted world you live... have you considere sharing your "kindom" with us at "Show Off Your Cottage Monday" some time? We'd be honored... ;)


  7. Very cold, very rainy day here in the sunny south. Chills you to the bone. So it's nice to see your sunny snow! About ready for a cuppa to warm myself, but it won't be as pretty a set out as yours. Enjoy your painting!

  8. Beautiful tea set.Your snow photo is beautiful.

  9. Beautiful pictures and a wonderful tea pot! Your pumpkin cake looks quite enjoyable ~have a wonderful day & Good luck with the painting ~Blessings Heather ;)

  10. Your tea cups are lovely Carolyn and the little cookies are perfect for tea. The birds look quite pretty against the snow....have a good week!

  11. What a pretty tea set Carolyn. I just happened to take a tea break myself from working and view a few blogs. So nice to share it with you.

  12. Hi Carolyn! Oh, what a pretty tea service you have. I love how you set everything up - so lovely. Now your loaf sounds delicious! I think I'll just pop on over for a cuppa! :) Can't wait to see what you're painting!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  13. love your tea cups. i too love tea cups and have a collection. id love the recipe for your orange pumpkin bread if you can share it :)i could use some tea. i have a very bad sour throat.thank you. come by for a visit. i am having a giveaway!

  14. Hello Carolyn, how lovely your little table scene looks. I wish I could join you!

  15. Carolyn....Your photos are always so refreshing to look at....especially in this overly snowy February! I am so ready for Spring!~Patti

  16. I love this post- very lovely - my computer is back up andf aster than before!

  17. What a beautiful tea set! It reminds me of the one in my blogger header that my paternal grandmother passed down to me. Your photos are just lovely.

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  18. What a beautiful tea set! Great shot of the bird on a snowy day.

  19. Hi Carolyn! What beautiful dishes you have today, and the cookies and pumpkin cake both look delicious! So glad the little Blue Jay could join us too! Now I'm wondering how DID you get him to do that? Did you promise him extra birdseed?! An extra suet cake? As for the snow.. we've been VERY lucky so far, but I think we've got about 3 or 4" on the way, starting tomorrow some time... Nice to meet you today, and hope to see you again for tea next week! ~tina

  20. I don't mind coming and help you painting as long as I can sip tea from your beautiful cups and enjoy the beauty of your teaset and home! :-)

  21. Your tea set is quite lovely. the bread sounds delish! Love the bluejay pic.

  22. Your dishes and tea cups are just gorgeous! I could have just sat down for a bit and had a cup of tea!

  23. I especially like the gold lattice work on the teapot. Love the bluejay. I've never seen one before.


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
