Sunday, February 28, 2010

My Favorite Teacup and More

I hope you all enjoyed your weekend. We are having a wild wet and windy day here, so March is definitely coming in like a lion, so out like a lamb!
Yesterday,I went out to check the bare parts of the garden to see any signs of life, and there are some daffodils poking through the ground and some daylillies with new growth, so spring is on it's way!!! This is really early for us here on the Island so it is especially exciting.
Today, I am joining in Mira's action giveaway on her beautiful blog Belle Blanc. To enter you show a photo of your favorite teacup and then she picks a winner.
Now, I did say I wouldn't show anymore teapots for awhile but I didn't say anything about teacups!!!
So here are a few photos of my favorite teacup. It is a thrift find, and I love it's soft peachy color.
So that is my favorite teacup!
But these beauties are the runner ups-they didn't win the gold, but I am giving them a spot on the podium!
Now for those of you who saw my teacups before,I am sharing a few photos of my Black Pearl amaryllis. This shot also gives a hint on the' project'. The wallpaper is gone and the walls have been painted but more on that later. I did buy this new chair at HomeSense lately but I am on the lookout for a similar one to go with it.
Now back to Black Pearl-it is really a darker ,richer color in real life but it is a beauty.
I bought the bulb in the Fall at " Vesey's Seeds " blowout sale for $2.
It has another stalk of flowers on the way up.
There it is again with a new birdhouse that also came from HomeSense.
Well, that is it for today and I am taking a couple of days to get some work done and then I will be back.
Thank you for visiting me,
Have a good day !


  1. Such elegance! Very pretty photos of some very beautiful teacups! Beautiful display!
    And your bloom is beautiful as well!

    After a last big February snow storm, today is quite mild, I'm hoping that doesn't mean March will be going out like a lion, I've had enough of Winter!

    All the best,

  2. Simply stunning! The teacup(s)and the Amarylis. I can see why this would be a favorite. Can't wait to see what you've been up to!


  3. Gosh Carolyn you just have to win the giveaway. Your pictures of your cup are amazing. I'm in awe over that Black Pearl though. It is absolutely stunning in everyway isn't it?

  4. Carolyn,
    Always a pleasure to visit your site and read what you are going to say and show in pics.
    Such a lovely and pleasant place.
    I am so glad you have a blog that you share with us in blogsville.
    Have a sweet week and God richly bless you!
    d from homehaven and freezing in Kansas

  5. Hello Carolyn,
    Your Amarylis is stunning, as are your teacups! I love the peach one too. Stay cozy.


  6. Your cups are gorgeous and staged so beautifully for your photos. ♥

  7. I agree with you. That cup was certainly the winner. Looked lovely.

    I too had an Amaryllis in bloom in March some years ago. It's strange how different they bloom, lol.

    Hope you have a nice day. Here we've had lots of snow again.

    Love Elzie

  8. Oh, Carolyn. Your amaryllis is absolutely drop dead gorgeous. The teacups are so delicate and elegant, too. Thanks so much for your beautiful posts, Carolyn. You are one very talented lady! Sincerely, Susan from

  9. You have such beautiful cups, no wonder you have the agony of choice. Thank you so much for participating, it will be very hard to make my decision, sooo many beautiful Cups.... wish you a perfect week, Mira

  10. Your teacups just get prettier and prettier.


  11. I love it when you have something to look at inside your cup besides the tea!

  12. Dear Carolyn,

    Your favorite teacup is so pretty! I love them all! Your home is just beautiful and what a wonderful, cheerful spot to have a cup of tea and read a book, with the stunning Black Pearl next to you. Thank you for sharing!

    Love, Paula

  13. OOOOOOO I love your tea cup,, it is so beautiful and dainty,,, and your pretty sitting area is just a perfect spot to sip tea out of your tea cup.... love love the gorgeous Black Pearl.. have a great week.


  14. Sigh.... I adore your teacup. So pretty! Also, your amaryllis is beautiful. Now does this flower give off a scent? Just the deep red color. Hugs!

  15. Hi Ldy~~Dy,
    No, this amaryillis does not give off a scent but some do have a soft fragrance.
    Thank you everyone for your kind words!


  16. Carolyn.....Such pretty teacups! I love them all. Your Amaryllis is gorgeous!~Patti

  17. Hello Carolyn,

    Beautiful teacups and it look so nice with the pearl necklace and roses. I like your photo with the chair and the amaryllis on the pretty table.

    Nice to hear about spring. This weekend we had some mild weather, but come Monday morning it was back to winter and snow up to our elbows again... Crazy weather!

    Have a nice day,

  18. What finesse blog Carolyn! congratulations, you're a new reader, thank goodness you do not know why google traslator English:)) hello Nicoletta.

  19. Beautiful teacups and I love your red flowers and transferware!!

  20. Lovely teacups! You stage them so well, too.
    I'm glad you are already seeing signs of Spring, but we aren't, it is very warm this week, but I'm afraid of what it is going to be by the end of the month. March came in like a lamb, unfortunately. I was sooo hoping it would come in like a lion!

  21. Your home is just beautiful and what a wonderful, cheerful spot to have a cup of tea and read a book, with the stunning Black Pearl next to you. Thank you for sharing!
    rihanna video

  22. Oh my, Carolyn, your amaryllis is stunning! I look forward to reading/seeing your post on your "project".
    I also LOVE your favorite teacup! I never see anything this beautiful at the thrift store - this was a true find!
    Happy to hear spring is knocking on your door. Have a lovely day!

  23. Hello Carolyn
    Don't you just love a teacup, or mug even, that has something pretty on the inside as well as the outside?
    I'm posting from Florida where I hope to find something nice to bring home for my afternoon tea.

  24. Easy to see why that is your fave tea cup. It is lovely! great picture taking too. Love your red armarilis....did I spell that one right? The bloom is stunning.

  25. So pretty, Carolyn. Your luscious rose photos are making my heart ache for spring.

  26. Love all your teacups... specially that soft pink one with the tiny roses... every time I see a pretty tea cup in a store, I think of you ;)


  27. I come to your blog when I need a dose of beauty and peace. Thanks Carolyn!

  28. Hi carolyn, hope all is well!! Kathy


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
