Thursday, February 4, 2010

A Lovely Gift!

Hello everyone,

First,I would like to say a big thank you to all of you who follow my blog and leave such lovely comments. I am so amazed to have hit the 500 follower mark today. I never realized how many kind and sweet people I would meet from all over the world.

One of the lovely friends I have enjoyed making is a Dutch friend, Madelief. If you go and visit her lovely blog you can see by reading her profile that we have a lot in common and since my Mom is from Holland I love to see the photos she shares of her beautiful country,her home and garden.Madelief has a good eye for photography too.

Madelief sent me a lovely gift a few weeks ago that I was very excited to receive-not one but two issues of the coveted Jeanne d'Arc Living magazine! So I have been so enjoying this gift and wanted to share some photos from it and also how I have been influenced by them.

So ,I gathered together some 'props'

I love this old postcard photo that I have had for a long time but I have no idea who they were.

I did buy this cross at the thrift shop for this post. Do you do that too-pick up little things because they are perfect for a blog post???

I think I have my post in backwards but it that kind of a day! So finally the magazines.

These magazines are Danish with a French influence and we can't buy them here in Canada-some customs issue I think.

I love the simplicity of the homes.

They have beautiful vignettes!

They are a bloggers delite-so many ideas.

So, you see I have been influenced! Thank you so much Madelief for this lovely gift and the gift of your friendship too! Please drop in and say hello to Madelief, you will enjoy meeting her too.

Thank you for visiting me,



  1. I'm so blessed to live in a country where I can buy these magazines. They are great. I don't follow them totaly, but try to get some ideas here and there.

    I just love your cross and the frame with the old postcard. These frames are hard to find here.

    The former post was beautiful. Such a lovely room you have.

    Hope you have a great day.
    Love Elzie

  2. When you bring beauty into this world and most of all, share it with all of us, there is notning more to say but just enjoy!

  3. Dear Carolyn,

    Congratulations on your 500th follower! I understand why you have some much fans. Your house & gardens are what I, and I think a lot of people with me, dream about!

    Thank you so much for your kind words! In Dutch I would say that it makes me a bit shy, but I don't know the English words for them. One of the best things that happened to me through blogging is meeting special people like you
    :-) I am grateful for your friendship.

    At first I thought that the pictures you show us are from the magazine! You captured the JDL feeling very well!

    Have a happy evening! I will :-)!

    Lieve groet, Madelief

  4. Carolyn,
    I so enjoy visiting your blog and you are a sweet blogger!

    I admire your lovely pictures. The compositions and soft colors are a delight.

    Here's to many more posts and to all your Blog Family.

    d from homehaven

  5. Congratulations on reaching 500 followers, I am very happy to be one!

    You have been beautifully inspired by the magazine. You have such a great eye for the little details that make your photography delightful!

  6. Congrats on having so many followers. I just love your blog it is so lovely and inspiring.


  7. Congratulations on having 500 followers, Carolyn! You really do have a lovely blog as your followers attest to that. BTW, love your new Spring header!


  8. Hello Carolyn. Your photos are so pretty,, I can see them in a wonderful frame on a wall on leaning up against it on a shelf... the magazine's she sent to you have such gorgeous photos... thanks for sharing them with us.. I will go and meet your sweet friend..


  9. I love your new blog header mosiac! Just beautiful~~as is everything on your blog...I enjoy following your posts so much..Thanks for sharing all your wonderful pictures and ideas!

    Miss Bloomers

  10. Hello Carolyn....CONGRATULATIONS and kudos for reaching the 500 follower mark. That is so awesome! You deserve it and by next year, you'll probably have 5000 followers! No doubt in my mind. Take care and thanks for the lovely post. Sincerely, Susan from

  11. Hello! Lovely, lovely posts. All these serene images sooth my soul tonight.

    500 followers -an extraordinary accomplishment for you! And now I am a follower too - I don't want to miss a thing....

    Cynthia K. (Beauty and Blessings)

  12. Hi Carolyn!
    Congratulations your 500th follower. You have some much fans, I understand why.
    You home is dream.

    Lovely weekend to you.
    Warm hugs, Lennu

  13. The magazines look sumptuous. I can see how you were so influenced. xx

  14. Oh I have heard of that magazine, but have never found it. Thank you for sharing the photos and your beautiful display. Blessings today. xo rachel


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
