Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Cottage Tea

I thought you might enjoy afternoon tea in our little garden cottage today. It is a bright sunny day and warm enough to enjoy a cup of tea.

Maybe you would like to curl up on the bed with a book and warm throw for awhile.

I do love all transferware but red and white is the one I collect the most.

I am enjoying putting some Christmas touches in our little cottage. When I am done playing I will share some photos.

This is a little electric stove that my daughter gave me-it doesn't really give much heat but it adds a little ambiance. I think if we had a woodstove out here I might move in!

Well, I hope you can enjoy a cup of tea with me in our little cottage. It is so relaxing in here don't you think?

Thanks for joining me today,



  1. Beautiful, it looks like we have some similar pieces, one can never get enough!!!
    I love how you have decorated with yours!
    Margaret B

  2. Hi Carolyn! Oh, how lovely! I love your transferware and your little cottage is so lovely! You're getting a head start on your Christmas decorating, aren't you? I have a tea pot shaped just like yours but my pattern is Pink Willow.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  3. Oh, my love love your little cottage and a cup of tea there would be divine!
    I'm just starting to collect transferware too and pink is also my favorite.

  4. What a lovely place to have tea!

    Love, Heather

  5. I love your little cottage & your red and white transferware.

  6. As usual, everything looks so warm and cozy. Love you pretty tea set!

  7. Loooooveeeeelyyyyy! Just lovely, Carolyn...I would so enjoy having tea cozied up in that gorgeous bedroom...with PEACE lit up behind me...nothing could be nicer! The red transferware is so pretty, and is perfect with a setting of white. Just beautiful!

    God bless,

  8. You are doing a great job of decorating the looks very inviting!

  9. Love your decoration, your tea set is gorgeous!!!

  10. Hi Carolyn,
    Just found you via starview sonnet! oh, I love the red & white transferware! Your bedroom looks so cozy & lovely! I could just move right in!

    Now I need to wander around a bit & see what other eye candy you have!!


  11. OK, I know I just left you a comment but I am speechless! wow! what an amazing blog you have & I can only imagine what a gorgeous home & garden you have as well. I love it all!!!
    And your little granddaughter Abby is the cutest thing ever! I love the picture of her in the little white dress sitting on the bed (girls having a tea party :-) )

    So glad I found you!!!


  12.'s always like a little vacation coming here. Adore your darling cottage and the red and white transferware is just beautiful! Yes, I would so love curling up with a good book...right there near that charming little stove...perfect afternoon!

  13. Lovely Cottage!
    Enjoyed this tea with the red and white dishes.
    Thank you for sharing,

  14. Jestem zaczarowana !!!!!
    Po długich poszukiwaniach znalazłam wreszcie blog ,który mnie zaczarował.....Jest tu u Ciebie jak w bajce o ,której babcie opowiadają małym dzieciom .
    Cały dom to jedno marzenie.Serce bije mi tak jak powinno z radości i podziwu. OhhhhhhhhhAhhhhhhhhh mogla bym godzinami tu wzdychać. Twój dom jest jak kartka pocztowa dla ukochanych. Tu widać "Miłosc"
    Pozdrawiam z Polski Anna

  15. Would love to have tea at your house; perfect!

  16. These pictures of your cottage are beautiful! They need to be in a magazine!

  17. Hi Carolyn,

    Your garden cottage looks very pretty. It must be quite a job to put up all the Christmas decorations inside the house and outside as well! I like the way you do it. It looks very warm and comforting.

    You wrote about the Andrew Sisters during the memorial service. Those ladies must be quite old now. I did not know they still performed!

    Have a lovely weekend!

    Lieve groet, Madelief

  18. Alway enjoy a look at your red and white. The blanket thrown in fits right in with how chilly it feels here in the south today after an almost monsoon of rain over the past few days. I so enjoyed the post about your dad and meeting your sweet mother. I know you visit her every day. I bought my mother a beautiful pink journal and she has started writing her story, especially tales of her childhood. I wish she had started sooner but she seems to be enjoying the memories now and I know we will have a treasure.

  19. Carolyn, you are a wonderful hostess. You have thought of every detail to make a visit pure perfection.

  20. Carolyn.....Now this is what I and white! It looks so lovely in your settings....beautiful!~Patti

  21. I am so envious, it is snowing here today, no time to do a post, tomorrow is opening day of firearm deer season and my job is in Game and Parks.............AAGH! But I have time to look at all of your wonderful posts. I love your little studio.

  22. So peaceful, and pretty... I'll be there in a sec! ;)



  23. Very relaxing indeed Carolyn! How I would luv to be a guest and share tea with you in your beautiful cottage!

  24. Okay, I'm just as jealous of your red treasures as I am of your green!

    Thanks for sharing them with us!
    All the best,

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Carolyn, such a lovely retreat ~ your photos would make a beautiful coffee table book. I'm so delighted that you share glimpses of your pretty world with us.

    I love red and white too, though I only have a few pieces.

    Have an enjoyable weekend, dear one. xo

  27. A wonderful tea set, Carolyn. I have a similar blue. Beautiful photos!
    xoxo Birgit

  28. Beautiful, Carolyn. Of course you know I love the red too! I have a little white heater very much the same as yours! The cottage is darling.


  29. Hello again Carolyn,
    Sorry to disappoint, but I'm from Vancouver, Washington.......but, my mom was a canadian citizen ~ she was born in Victoria! Thanks so much for stopping by & for your nice comments!


  30. Hi Carolyn
    I'm loving your dinner set. Love your home, love your photos, love your post!
    Thank you so much for sharing your home with us.
    Have a good weekend, and please stop by.
    Hugs and Sue x

  31. Oh--I love what you have done!! (I do not like the envy it could inspire, ha!). So pretty--love the whites and pinks! You should tell us how you did the peace/lights/ etc stuff!

  32. Carolyn if you were closer to me I'd move into your cozy cottage to contine my healing journey..exactly what this spirit needs! Thank you for giving me an imagery to hold onto! sigh! xo

  33. Love your blog! I collect red transfer ware, too, but you are way more romantic and artistic than I am... New follower!


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
